40 | Lover

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I open my eyes to see her peacefully sleeping in my arms. The sun hasn't risen yet, but she is glowing. A smile naturally makes its way onto my lips as I remember that she loves me.

This beautiful, strong, and absolutely terrifying woman loves me.

I kiss the top of her head before leaving her tangled in the sheets to use the bathroom.

As I brush my teeth, I recall the first night we spent together several months ago in my study. The same day I stupidly ordered Rossi to send her away. The smart idiot didn't even bother chartering the flight and went on with his day as usual, ignoring my orders altogether.

Selena smacked me on the head and punched me in the gut after getting the 'full scoop' from Rossi. Even Felicity scolded me after finding out what I said to Rossi. That white-haired snitch.

I honestly didn't care at that point because Selena told loves me.

She loves me.

I feel me cheeks heat and glance up in the mirror to see a slight red tint to my face.

I'm fucking whipped.

Hearing soft footsteps in the bedroom, I find myself smiling again knowing that Selena is awake. I slap my hands on both sides of my face and shake my bed hair away, before spitting out the toothpaste in my mouth. I check my appearance again and she walks into our bathroom.

"Morning," I grin at her and move in for a kiss.

She cutely frowns  at me putting a hand over my mouth to stop me.

"Hold it there, Boy Scout. I need to brush my teeth." She tuts, grabbing her toothbrush and pushing me away. I hoist myself onto the sink counter right in front of her, spreading my legs so she can stand between them.

"I'm a Don, not a Boy Scout," I pout at her. She shoots me a foamy smile and shakes her head.

Selena keeps brushing her teeth as I begin to comb my fingers through her soft dark hair. Her blue eyes never losing mine.

"We leave for Milan in an hour."  I say, absentmindedly playing with her hair until she backs away and moves towards the sink to spit out the paste.

"I'm definitely more excited to see Felicity than I am for the shopping," she moves back between my legs and looks up at me with a pretty smile.

My hands on her hips pull her closer, as I bend down to kiss her.

She immediately opens her mouth up to me, moaning into the kiss. I finally pull away to her face pink and flustered making me smirk.

"I wish you would be more excited to travel with me," I refer to her previous statement about our upcoming trip.

"You're going to be in business meetings the whole time." She points out while placing the most adorable pout on her face.

"I'm sorry, angel." I place kiss on the tip of her nose.

She wasn't wrong. Rossi and I had to go to Milan for a day to meet with suppliers, but the girls were also tagging along. Felicity had just had a full recovery from her surgery and was finally excited to be able to travel again. She wanted to take in all the sights she had missed.

The whole-eye transplant surgery was experimental and risky, but we opted in for it. After the surgery, it took a few months and a cornea transplant for Felicity to gain her vision back. According to her doctors, it would still be a bit hazy. She would need to stay away from bright lights and direct sunlight.

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