23 | Return

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"Can I talk to Selena privately please?" Adam kindly asks his sister. Felicity leaves the room, but not before smiling at me and running to Adam and he gives her a big bear hug.

"How are you?"

"What do you want?" He starts walking towards me, but I stop him. "You can't just leave all of a sudden and then show back up and say how are you doing, who do you think you are?!"

"I'm sorry I had to go it was urgent. I thought of you everyday and wish I could've taken you along with me but it was too dangerous."

"I could've  handled it." I say crossing my arms and turning so my back would face him. "I know you could go ave handled it, but I wanted to keep you safe." He turns me around to face him. "Then what were you doing? If you trust me you will tell me." I state glaring into his brown, chocolatey, yummy eyes.

What the fuck, Selena! You are supposed to be angry at him!

You're right. You're right! I'm angry at Adam.

I go back to glaring at him. "I was looking at my father's casinos that he recently established. He is a businessman, but needed some damage control because local gangs tend to take over casinos and such. I was helping to establish proper security for the casinos." My glare falters and I see a smirk creeping up onto Adam's lips. He knows what I know.

I've been to casinos on top of casinos and I know more than anyone else that a new casino can easily be taken advantage of. Especially with my nightmares and other issues, it wouldn't be the best idea to bring me along.

"Okay," I say trying to bring back my glare, but his eyes have a twinkle in them that make me even angrier. He takes a step towards me and I take a step back.

My lips quiver I see him looking at them. A bigger smirk spread across his face.

We've only kissed once on the lips so far and I'm glad. I never got to take my "relationship" with Clay slow so I wanted to go slow with this one.

Were we even in a relationship?

He steps closer to me and my feet stay planted, I need to find out what we are.

His thumb grazes my cheek and he leans in to his forehead is touching mine. He doesn't question the tears on my cheeks, instead he wipes them away.

His finger, technically appendage, is tantalizingly slow. My body shivers as he traces my jaw line.

Lips hover above mine so close, but not touching. The small space between them is filled with tension you would need a chainsaw to cut through.

My hands are on his chest and he takes one of his arms and snakes it across my waist, pulling me even closer to him.

He leans in closer to me and are slightly touch and you know how the smallest spark can start a wildfire, well that is what happened.

Our lips fit together perfectly. I had forgotten since our last kiss.

I melted into his arms and there was so much passion as his lips moved against mine. This kiss was rougher than our last, but I liked it.

A lot.

Adam pulled away, biting down on my lip as he did so. Once he released it, I bit it myself and I felt my face heating up.

A big smile spread across his face as he saw my blush.

He leaned in once more, but the door opened so I pushed him away as fast as possible.

"Adam, you're back!!!" Rossi scream and runs in the room to hug Adam.

Adam does not reciprocate this hug and stood there like a statue. Rossi looked over at me and gave me a warning look.


He lets go of Adam and pats his shoulder awkwardly. "It's good to have you back, Selena was a little bit moody."

I was going to strangle him, but Adam lets out a chuckle that is way too sexy so I decide not to.

Next time Rossi, next time.

"Oh yeah, by the way the Americans just informed me to say they just got on their flight, toodles!" Before Adam can say anything Rossi skips out of the room and he is gone faster than he appeared.

"Oh merda!" (shit) He rubs his hand through his hair. "I forgot about those mocciotti Americani!" (American brats)

Gosh his Italian cursing turns me on.

"I'm sorry baby," he says caressing my face. I don't remember when he walked over to me. "I forgot those rodents were coming. But when they leave it will be just you and me." He grins, I look down blushing.

What has become of me?!

Hormones, I blame the hormones. No, wait, it's my lack of sleep. When I remember that, I yawn.

Adam tucks some hair behind my ear and leads me to bed. Somehow the lights are turning off, maybe he has a remote for them or something. My eyes start to close as he pulls the blanket over me.

I whisper, "Don't leave" as I close my eyes fully.

I feel a kiss on my temple and what Adam whispering back, "I won't make that mistake again."

I smile softly and drift off.

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