4 | Caught

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I open my eyes to see that I'm in the backseat of a car.

I'm pissed. Why does this always happen to me?! Universe PLEASE give me a break. 

The man I remember seeing earlier in the warehouse is sitting across from me and beside him is another one with a wide grin across his face watching me.

"Can I leave now?" I ask, honestly bored. The really happy, grinning dude looks over at me like I've grown two heads or something and honestly I do feel a little dizzy right now. 

"Do you know who I am?" The dark haired dude asks me.

I wish I didn't. 

"No. Should I?" I ask innocently smiling at him while slightly tilting my head. I take a moment to look at his features and he is younger than I expected for the leader of the boy's club or whatever.

"Well if you insist.... I am the Don of the Italian mafia." Confidence oozed from him and his ego couldn't have been bigger right now. 

Like I mean, I was the best assassin and one of the best hackers and street fights in America,  but I didn't go around bragging about it. Well I would've gotten killed or arrested but that's not the point.

"U-um I-I-I'm so sorry b-but I really have t-to go home now. So bye" I squeaked out while faking a stutter and make a move to create some more distance between us. 

His smirk grows even bigger, which I must admit made him look even more sexy. Wait, what!!!??! Shut up head, what are you thinking. Girl, you need to focus on this performance. 

I move to open the car door and get out, but as soon as I open the door all of the men raise up their guns. I hold my hands up in surrender and slowly slide back into the car, closing the door again.  

"Oh sweetheart, don't worry you aren't leaving just yet. We're going to take a little trip." Mr. Don says opening the door again and exits the car to walks to another car, motioning for me to follow him with his gun in hand.

Since I'm not suicidal I decide to follow him.

"Controllala." (Check her.) he says to one of his men. And soon enough that man is approaching me and tries to touch me.

Fuck no. I instantly grab his very small dick over his pants and twist it in an unnatural, painful way. He immediately curses and falls on the ground.

The man who claims he is in charge of this sucky establishment approaches me and grabs me in a way that immobilizes me. I try to get out of his hold, but his strength is far greater than mine. He repeats the same order, holding me still as another guard approaches me cautiously and as soon as his hands touch me I flinch back. I try to cover it up and keep trying to get out of grasp.

Hopefully Mr. Big Bad Mafia didn't notice, but I already screwed up once by having a nightmare when he was there. I didn't expect them to get there so quick. 

I clench my jaw as he finds all of the twelve stolen knives hidden in various places on my body including my bra and panties.

This is definitely too handsy for future coworkers. Someone call HR please.

"Wow... I didn't know you could hide that many knives on yourself." The happy guy says with a strong American accent. Mr. Mafia behind me responds with a deep laugh and lets go of me to get in the car.

I slip into the backseat feeling pretty vulnerable because I have zero weapons. Nada. Zilch. I should've planned this out better, but I immediately scan the back of the car to see if there is anything I can use. 

The happy dude and Mr. Don comes in after me with the happy guy sitting beside me with mafia leader guy across from me. I groan again but this time not internally.

We sit in silence for a few minute while the Mr. Happy is obviously playing on his phone and Mr. Mafia is texting somebody.

Finally, Mr. Happy decides to talk to me when the car starts moving. "What's your name?" 

"What's your name?" I immediately retort back, crossing my arms. He rubs the back of his neck smiles sheepishly at my question he looks over at his Mr. Mafia who just nods.

"My name is Rossi and that's Adam." He points at himself then Mr. Mafia across from us whose name is apparently Adam.

"Good for you." I'm just trying to avoid letting my name slip just yet so I can escape and get on a plane without any hassle and a new identity. I really don't give a shit about this whole undercover thing. 

"So....." He seems to be playing along and not the slightest bit annoyed. "So what?" I ask like I have no clue what his is talking about.

"I told you my name so what is your name?"

"I never said I would tell you what my name is." I see something shift in the corner of my eye and soon enough Adam right next to me, holding his gun against my temple.

"So sweetheart will you tell me what your name is?" He whispers into my ear only loud enough for me to hear.

Maybe it won't hurt to get a totally new identity because Caden would definitely be watching this one. 

"K-k-k-katherine. Katherine F-fox." I stutter out. 

Maybe I overdid the stutter, but OMG I should definitely get an Oscar later for this performance.

We should!

High five internal self.

Sike fist bump.

Haha gear shift.

Shut up and focus Selena.

Geez okay.

Adam is smirking at me because of my so-called defeat. But damn that smirk was hot. 




They have some stupid ass questioning techniques. This never would've worked if I wasn't trying to give up fake name eventually.

"Well, I'll hook you up to our special little lie detector later and then we can figure out if you are saying the truth."

What does that even mean? Why the fuck would some organized criminal brotherhood have a polygraph? Maybe they mean something else. 

Oh well, if I'm dead then I guess I'm dead.

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