13 | Touch

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"Why isn't she in the infirmary yet?" Enzo snaps at Adam, storming over to the two of us. Adam responds in Italian with what seems like annoyance.

Rossi is still squealing the whole time until both Enzo and Adam snap at him at the exact same time. "Shut up!"

Rossi walks up, pinches Adam's cheeks, which were now developing a small blush through his tan olive skin. "Is it my fault you two are soooooooooooo cute together?" Adam slaps his hands away, still evidently blushing. I look down and chose to study the floor as a heat rises to my face as well. 

"Get to the infirmary now!" The doctor orders and Adam listens obediently, gently pulling me along.] in the 

"Wait a second." I stop, planting my feet as we go down the stairs. "Why did he order you around? And why did you listen." Adam tugs at my arm but it proves to no avail as I stand my ground. "Hurry up before your wounds get any worse." He is obviously dodging my question, but why?

Maybe you shouldn't have trusted him.

I wouldn't blame him if he didn't trust me.

You did kill a good number of his men.

You know you're just making this worse.

And you are working with the FBI.

Was. I was working with the FBI.

Whatever you say......

I try and ignore the thoughts floating around my mind so I just give up on getting an answer out of Adam.

We reach the 'infirmary' and before we step in to my room Adam pauses. "Enzo's my uncle."

Then he continues pulling me inside, while I'm still slightly stunned by the revelation. They don't look related at all. Enzo is already inside and has an exam table set up for me with fresh dressings right next to it. 

"Seeing as you're covered in leaves and dirt it would be best if you took a shower."

Before I can say or do anything, a towel is thrown into my hands and I am being shoved into the bathroom by Enzo. I know better than to put up a fight with Enzo. While I am having a nice hot shower, I can hear the Italians arguing. About what, I have no clue.

I get out of the shower and keep the water running. As I slip into the new clothes on the sink counter, I listen to their voices go back and forth.

What is odd is that they aren't exactly arguing. Just talking really loudly...with a lot of conviction.

I do understand a few things they are saying. Some English mixes in with the Italian. But the random words don't help form sentences that are coherent to me. When I hear more English and start to make sense of what they are saying a knock on the bathroom door brings me out of my mind.

"When you are done you can come out, Ms. Montgomery." The Enzo's monotone voice says. I roll my eyes and turn off the shower.

I remember the time I changed my name to Elena Williams. I was around seventeen years old and I had just run away trying to escape Clay. But when the FBI caught me they forced me to go back to Selena Montgomery. I have no clue why that was necessary, but it did help to keep my alias under wraps.

That was me looking on the bright side after becoming some government puppet.

"I would hope that you would call me Selena instead of using my disgraced surname," I say to the Enzo strolling out of the bathroom not bothering to turn off the light behind me.

Wow you're such a rebel.

Shut up

"And why might it be that your delightful family name is indeed a disgrace?" The doctor asks as I sit on the medical table and he begins cleans my wounds.

As I am about to answer, I am suddenly aware of Adam's presence in the room. I divert the topic because Enzo has somewhat of an idea of what has happened in my childhood, from the screams of my continuous nightmares and the scars he's gotten an up close look of. Adam on the other hand has only heard a brief version of one of my nightmares and has had glances from a distance of my scars.

"So when do I get a phone and/or computer?" Adam looks up at me and answers almost immediately.

"Let's wait until you recover fully and need something to do on a phone and/or computer, sounds good?"

"Yes, sir" I wince as the Enzo suddenly pulls out some stitches that came tore earlier but were still imbedded into my skin. 

Adam winks at me and then leaves the room to answer a phone call.

"Interesting..." Enzo mumbles under his breath. It's quiet enough that it could be chalked up to him thinking out loud, but we are in close distance of each other so he knows I can hear him. He is up to something.

"What's interesting?" 

He ignores me and keeps rewrapping my bandages. I pull my arm away from his hold, forcing him to restart the wrap. "What's interesting?" I grit out, glaring down at him. What surprises me is that he looks up and glares right back. "Oh nothing" He says in a light voice, the opposite of his usually serious tone.

Adam enters the room again and this time he is followed by Rossi. 

I roll my eyes as soon as I see him and Enzo sighs simultaneously. I'm glad to see we both have the same reaction. 

Rossi is whistling and happy, like usual. "How are you Selena?" Rossi asks me like we are friends.

"Since when were we on a first name basis?" I raise an eyebrow at him as Enzo wraps my last bandage. "Since you kissed my best friend" he shoots back grinning.

At that moment, Adam literally covers his face with his hand.

"We didn't kiss", I say jumping down from the table "and why is it any of your business?"

"Because-" "I believe it would be a good time to leave." Enzo interrupts Rossi before I get the chance to punch him. "Ms. Montgomery needs her rest."

When Rossi doesn't leave Enzo shoos him out of the room, leaving me and Adam alone.


"So how are you feeling?" He asks running a hand through his hair making it messy. "As good as I can feel stuck in a mafia mansion with reopened wounds and brand new stitches..." I nod slowly, entranced by how hot he looks with his hair all out of place. "...so I'm good."

He chuckles and runs his hand through his hair again. "You should get some rest, mia angelo." The unfamiliar words draw my head from the clouds back to the reality infant of me. He is right in front of me. Only an inch of space between us. And before I can respond his lips press gently against my forehead.

Closing my eyes to take in the feeling, my skin instantly heats up from the minimal contact. My mind buzzing and my body relaxes instantly at the touch. The fresh stinging pain from the new stitches is numbed away. 

And what feels really good is to see Adam grinning to himself, strolling out of the room.

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