9 | Nightmares

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I open my eyes to see Adam's face staring right back at me.

He was the one saying my name and I realize that as my hands begin to shake again.

I feel so weak right now.

It's like the warehouse all over again. His brown eyes looking into me. I only get a couple seconds to get lost in them before his pulls me into his chest. I immediately try to push away from his grasp but he hold on tight and unmoving.

My body is still shaking as I try to catch my breath. I keep trying to push him away from me, but he doesn't even flinch. My heart is racing and I close my eyes, taking a few shaky deep breaths. I breathe in his scent and slightly relax into his hold. After some steadier deep breaths, my body is still slightly shaking and I feel his hand start to soothingly rub my back. His other hand hugs the top of my head bringing me closer into his chest.

"You can't leave," Adam starts off breaking the silence that's engulfed us since my scream. "Omertà. Our code of silence. I would need to kill you if you left."

My body instantly tenses at the realization and I can't find my voice to respond, so I simply just nod.

Even if I did manage to get out of Italy alive, Caden would find me and put back under his 'guardianship'. That means that the entire Italian mafia would have a hit on my head. I knew this entire 'mission' was some kind of way to get rid of me, but now I knew it was a trap. 

"You either join or die," he explains while he rubbing my back gently. It takes feels really comforting even if he is talking about my possible death. I just nod again not knowing what to say.

After a moment of silence, he moves to lay on the bed with my head still pressed against his chest.

His heart beat is fast even though his breathing is steady. So is mine. He begins to stroke my hair as I continue steady my own breath.

What is happening? Why am I finding comfort in this?

Even though I guess he is trying to make me relax, I begin to feel stiff and my heart starts racing again from all of my thoughts. .

"Tell me about it," Adam's deep voice says, terse but calm. I start to shake my head but he holds it still. 


"There are no secrets in my mafia." His voice sounds like steel. 

"I can't tal–"

"Now." He commands. 

I can tell he won't take 'no' for an answer again. It's a harsh command, but even without looking at his expression I know he is pleading. It feels like he is forcing my hand here, but for the first time I feel somewhat comfortable sharing a little bit. 

"I was seven." His body stiffens momentarily and I continue. Clenching my eyes shut, I recap my most recent nightmare while leaving 

Adam's hands tighten around me at certain parts, but he remains silent the whole time. I am kind of grateful that he does. This is the first time I have ever shared one of my dreams with anyone and it is hard. It is like reliving the memory, but I'm awake to feel the pain.

"I won't him or anyone else hurt you ever again. Prometto la mia tigre."(I promise, my little tiger.) His rich Italian accent fills my ears as he leans in closer to me, making my stomach flip several times and my heart skip a beat or two. 

"You must be tired" His fingers stroke my hair, "Go to sleep. I'll be right here." My remain closed as I drift off into a peaceful slumber.

I wake up to the sight of Adam's head nestled into my neck. I resist the urge to push him away or kick his groin to get him to move.

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