14 | Friends?

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"Rise and Shine, and give guns the glory, glory!"

This is the first thing I hear the morning that I am meant to be cleared from my stay at the infirmary.

Ross's singing.

I cringe as I wake up to look at him. "What time is it?," I yawn.

Rossi and I are friends now. At least, that is what he calls it. I prefer acquaintances but he's stubborn. I would say he's more stubborn than I am, but that title goes to Enzo. Rossi is more annoying than anything else. 

"You don't like my song?" Rossi pouts sitting on directly on top of my legs, making me kick up to get his weight off. 

Although he has been missing in action, the good doctor has instructed Rossi to wake me up at the same time for the past few days and make sure I go to sleep at the assigned time. This involves Rossi waking me up with songs in the morning and telling me stories that are adorned with my additional commentary about where he can shove his fairytales.

"Leave." I say tersely, burying my head further into the soft pillow.

"It's the edited mafia version though!" Rossi cries like a four year old. "If you don't leave now, you will have this headboard sticking out of your head." I grumble grabbing onto the headboard behind me lazily. Rossi doesn't take the threat lightly because he knows mine aren't empty. 

The first day he woke me up, I just happened to have a ceramic vase placed on my nightstand. That morning it was found shattered to pieces in the hallway along with an unconscious male nurse that just happened to be walking by when Rossi ran out of my room.

Enzo assumed the vase with flowers would bring life into my room and aid in my recovery.

I guess he was right because after I scared away Rossi, I slept for ten more minutes...until Adam found out.

To say he was mad is an understatement. He was furious.

I didn't see Adam too much because of his 'work' and that was fine with me. I usually never blush, but here I was heating up like a volcano from one mere touch or exchange of words.

"The second verse is much better!" Rossi yelled from behind the safe confines of the door. "You're the only one missing out!" He yelled again when I didn't give him any response. "I'm glad," I grumbled loud enough for him to hear me.

"I heard tha-" "Why isn't Selena awake yet?" Rossi was interrupted by Enzo's scolding voice. I guess he returned from wherever he ran off to the past few days. "I...she.....headboard?" I hear Rossi trying to explain on the other side of the door and I can just imagine Enzo's threatening glare piercing through Rossi's soul.

How did he get in the Mafia anyways?

The voice in my head has been quiet for a while and less reassuring than usual. 

It's probably because my nightmares are getting worse; instead of just screaming, waking up covered in sweat, or out of breath...I've been hurting myself.

Not intentionally.

In my sleep without realizing it, my nails dig into my skin unforgivingly or I bite into the inside of my cheek until my mouth is filled with blood. 

I'm getting worse.

I keep hearing Rossi's mindless blabber and stammering while imagining the Enzo staring him down until he is right in front of me with the same look I was imagining just seconds ago. 

"Get up now Selena," he says in a strict authoritative voice.

Enzo has gotten more fierce and controlling the long I've been here 'recovering'. He sees my sleep deprivation as a serious problem. 

Because of this he has been trying to get my nightmares under control and establish a strict routine, which Rossi maintained while he was missing these past few days. He knows how consist the nightmares are and he can take pretty educated guess as to what they are about at this point. What he doesn't know is how much worse they have gotten.

Honestly, I don't give a fuck. I never really cared about how much sleep I got before, so why should I care now. If I'm not dead yet from everything I've been through, then some sleepless nights definitely won't kill me.

"You can't make me do shit." I replant my face into my pillow.

"It seems as though you're tired Selena, and the only reason for you to be tired is if you didn't get a good amount sleep. That would only be a result of one of your night terrors which you informed me a few days ago had stopped completely."

"I'm not tired, I'm annoyed." I grumbled. "Leave me alone old man." He doesn't say a word but just stands there and grabs the pillow from underneath my head. 

My head jerks down in an uncomfortable movement that makes my head fill with rage. I look to my right and see a glass of water and underneath it is a shiny metal tray.

Bad idea.

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