20 | Felecity

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Her eyes.

Her arms.

They are both gone. 

Glass eyes sit where the real ones should be. Hiding what happened to this girl but at the same time leave her exposed to the world.

Glass eyes are impossible for the oblivious to see but I notice them from a mile away. I choose to look at the world through dark and fucked up glasses.

Where her long tan arms should be, are rounded stubs. The lace of her white dress sleeves mostly cover the scars of where her arms are cut off. I take a second to study the scars left behind. Not surgical. The scars look to be less than a year old, yet here she is smiling brightly at me.

How is that possible?

"This is Selena," Adam nods to me and I greet her. "Oh my! It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you from Rossi. You are absolutely gorgeous!" She smiles at me sweetly then turns to Adam. "La mamma sarà così felice di incontrarla." (Mom will be so happy to meet her.)

The girl says goodbye when she recognizes a familiar voice and walks off to greet another guest.

Wait, wait, wait...... hold the fucking phone, how did she know I'm gorgeous? I mean it's obvious, I am, but how can she see that?

I ignore the fact that my voice reappears at this moment in time and ask Adam the question, obviously revising it.

"Felicity can't see or touch anymore, but her other senses are still quite sharp. Although she's can't see your face, I'm sure she can imagine it from your voice alone. Plus I doubt Lici could ever say negative word against anyone." Rossi responds instead of Adam as we finish our walk up the stairs.

Anymore... Still...

I look around and the part of the house as we enter it and there are so many tables filling with people in a large ballroom. The entire room faces the ocean and is beautifully decorate with more white flowers and sparkling lights. 

"My mother goes all out with her parties." Adam whispers in my ear as he pulls out a chair for me. I nod at him and say, "I can see that." I smile grimly as I look around to see smiling faces and more serious ones.

I honestly just want to leave. Go back to Adam's room, snuggle under his covers, and let him hold me.

It felt weird to rely on someone's comfort so much, but social situations like this have always made me uncomfortable. 

I doubt it would happen, but what if someone recognizes me. What if I recognize someone else. It's very unlikely but still a possibility. As an assassin, I would always cover my face and disguise my identity. When I was a street fighter, I never bothered to think that far ahead and as a hacker I was safe behind a screen. 

I don't know what I would do if someone did recognize me. Run? Deny? Totally ignore? Go to Adam?

I decide to go with ignore. I mean I have a very common features and all. Black hair and blue eyes. Plus I must have changed a lot in three years. Right?


The time at the party went by in a blur.

Adam left the table before the whole thing started to chat with people. I stayed at the table with Rossi watching over me. Felicity tried to come over to talk to me again, but Rossi interrupted and swept her off somewhere else. When they were both gone, I met Adam's mother who just happened to take the seat right beside me. Her eyes were exactly like his. She gushed over me the entire night like I was some endangered species. Trying to feed me more and more food throughout the entire night saying I wasn't eating enough. 

It was getting weird.

Felicity pulled me aside later to say she couldn't wait to talk about me and Adam's relationship

I didn't even know we had a relationship.

Like damn, did mafia families beat around the bush like this?

After a long night with fireworks to finish it off, we finally made our way back to the compound. 

Right now, I'm slipping under the covers of Adam's bed waiting for him to come in so I can finally fall asleep. 

But Adam doesn't show.

And same thing happens the night after that.

Then the one after that.

He hasn't been at the house in a week and Rossi along with the other men don't say a thing to me when I ask. After the first night he didn't show, I asked Enzo and he told me that Adam has private business to attend to.

Of course, I haven't been getting any sleep. I don't even try to sleep because I know the nightmares will haunt me the second I do.

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