5 | Polygraph

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The rest of the car ride is in silence as Rossi studies me and Mr. Mafia with a normal ass name is on his phone not sparing me a glance.

Rossi finally breaks the silence. "So how old are you?" Oh great here he goes with the questions, again. I roll my eyes but decide to answer because they will find out either way since I'm stuck here. There's no point in lying about my age. 

"22" I turn my head to face the window so he won't talk to me anymore. He gets the message because he doesn't speak until we reach our destination. I get out of the car to still see it surrounded with people.

I try to plan an escape route as we head to the house, but so far I don't see any. There is nothing as far as I can see and the main entrance and exit that is visible has a huge gate. Too tall to scale. While I was busy scoping the area out, I didn't get a chance to notice how beautiful the house is. So when I turn to look at the house, I'm gaping but I quickly cover up my expression hoping no one saw it.

I stop when we enter the house because I don't know which way we are going so Mr. Mafia steps in front of me and I follow him.

We go down a couple flights of stairs. And by a couple I mean five. I roll my eyes at how excessive all of this is and we finally, we stop at a door. An old rusty wood door with random nails in it. 

I gulp out of almost real nervousness this time when he opens the door and there is only a table and a chair there. It looks like an interrogation room in the movies because there is only one lightbulb in the center of the room swinging back and forth.

It's not actually swinging back and forth so I don't know why I said that ... but there is only one light. It's not like a singular lightbulb on a string either, it's just a normal in the ceiling light fixture. 

It's not like the interrogation rooms at the FBI. It's a little more rough around the edges and way less clinical. 

"Take a seat." Adam tells me and I oblige. Okay so... normally... I would put up a fight but if I kill Mr. Mafia over here I doubt his minions would be too happy about it and let me skip out of here Then, I'd have to basically face the firing squad or something.

And I don't have any weapons right now. 

"Wait outside" Adam tells Rossi and he waits for his lapdog to go outside before he starts speaking to me again. "Take off you shirt." He smirks.

I'm not going to give him the reaction he wants, so I just take off the ragged t-shirt and toss it on the table.

He drinks in the sight of my body and does a quick double take of the scars. He doesn't say anything to me but instead brings out a box shaped machine that I instantly recognize.

Why the fuck do they have an actual polygraph? This is actually idiotic. 

When I was younger, I thought a lie detecting machine was like a metal detector and would beep every time you lied like it was some type of magic. Now I know that it bases lies off of changes in your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and whatever else. Honestly, polygraphs aren't accurate enough to tell the truth from lies. Some people can just be stressed out when taking the test so a lot of things appear to be lies. 

The FBI and other government organizations don't use polygraphs in court for evidence because of this stress. But Caden always thought it was fun to bring one out when I was up to something. At first, I struggled with the lying thing but after the first few times I figured it out and I've got it down. So all I have to do is follow that and I'll get out of this somewhat alive.

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