Meanie 1

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"I am warning you Yoon Jeonghan! Before I do something you'd definitely regret, shut your fucking mouth!"

"Oh really?!" Jeonghan took a step more closer to the man who was glaring at him from all his might.

His hands were folded on his chest, "Then let's see if barking dogs can bite too."

The man in front tightened his fist, a mere action to repress his actual aggression but the mocking tone in Jeonghan's voice was enough for him to loose all his patience, grabbing his collar harshly and pushing him to nearby wall, making his back collide mercilessly against it.

Jeonghan held back the urge to groan due to the sudden pain flashing inside his head, "Choi Seungcheol! Leave me!"

"Why?" Seungcheol glared at him again, his voice threateningly alarming, "Didn't you want to know if this dog can bite too?"

The force applied was too much in Jeonghan's opinion. If it was just the collar he was being held at, it would have been easier for Jeonghan to get out of Seungcheol's grip but the man who older from him by few months was twisting his right hand behind his back and his left hand currently struggled to get him out from the clenched hand on his upper clothes.

His eyes were tearing up, Jeonghan could feel the wetness forming in corner of his eyes but still no words of weakness escaped from his mouth. He was fortunately built like that, relaying more on his defence than the urge to attack.

It wasn't even defence in his opinion, but his endurance sure was pissing off Seungcheol. Consciously-unconsciously, his eyes roamed around the crowd forming  circle beside them in few meters of radius, definitely not a strange thing  that none of them wanted to intervene. It was dangerous that was the other thing, the prior thought in everyone's mind was it was their everyday's thing.

And as he had expected, Seungcheol was suddenly jerked back harshly from his shoulders, Jeonghan being held by two arms the moment he thought he'd fall on his knees.

It was his brothers.

"Hyung? Are you okay?" The youngest of the trio asked while helping him stand. The second Jeonghan had indicated that he was, the younger left him with the middle one currently standing beside him, the one that jerked Seungcheol off like a feather a few moments ago.

Though Seungcheol himself was raging while he balanced himself to stand up again, he knew it was a waste to put on a fight at that moment. He knew even if he won, the victory will reward him with the damages that would be nothing in comparison to his few moments of happiness. It was also foolish to put a fight when they were three and he himself was alone.

Well, just yet.

Boo Seungkwan, the youngest of the three brothers growled at him, "How dare you touch my brother?!"

Seungcheol couldn't help but laugh at him. Touch his brother? He was about to break off his arms if they wouldn't be here on time. The basterd was always lucky in his opinion.

It was seungkwan's time to grab his collar in utter frustration, "Laugh again and I'll show you how does it feels like watching stars in broad daylight."

He was supposed to be a threat, atleast Seungcheol thought it was one, not until the younger grabbing his collar had his hands forcefully removed from his collar, Seungcheol looking beside just to find Hansol glaring at the younger in front as he jerked back his hands, "An inch closer and I'll make sure you see the same stars you are talking about."

When Seungkwan was pushed with a force that any normal person would have already been feeling their back  or maybe their head being smacked straight into wall, the younger just stumbled back before his both brothers caught him up, his middle brother looking at the two men in front, almost glaring.

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