Meanie 20

808 46 39

Seungcheol was dozing off to his sleep,

Once again.

He couldn't help it though. The class was boring, and his eyes refused to co-operate to keep up with the lecture that ran like a flash of light in front of his sight.

Seungcheol gave up eventually, closing his eyes as he rested his head against the table. There was no point in fighting sleep if you aren't going to understand anything. And if you aren't going to understand anything, you should better sleep.

But the second he closed his eyes, his phone buzzed violently making him groan.

"I swear if it's Hansol getting in some fights, I am gonna-"

But it wasn't Hansol, the ID clearly showed that it was Mingyu. But Mingyu never calls him, specially when he is in classes. The thought just made Seungcheol pick up the call, thinking that it might be important.

But it was his brother, the 'might' was still there lingering.

The older though tried to keep his voice low, "What happened? You know I am in my classes right-"

"Hyung, listen to me first. Can you come here with Wonwoo's brother?!"

"No?" Seungcheol stated bluntly, "Why would I even- wait a minute! You both fought again? Kim Mingyu for god's sake have some maturity in yourself! you are married-"

"No, it's not that! It's just that idiot is throwing up very badly and I think he might pass out in seconds and-"


"Wait what?!" Seungcheol silently screamed, "And the fuck you are calling here for?! What?! Do you need permission from his brother to get to him or are you waiting for him to die until you finally go and help him?! Kim Mingyu-"

"He is not letting me anywhere near him!" Mingyu yelled in frustration from the other side, "Will you please come or not?! I might cry if you don't!"

"Okay, calm down!" Seungcheol hurriedly packed his bags, stuffing his things inside in the most disarranged manner, "I am on my way. Don't panick. And yes, don't let him die. This is the least thing you can do right?!"

"....I'll try."

Mingyu was panicking for real.

It took few seconds for Seungcheol to stand up and throw his bag on his shoulders, immediately grabbing everyone's attention. The way he looked, almost like someone had released their wild dog behind him, the class couldn't help but give him a look of confusion, "Sorry professor. I need to leave, it's an emergency."

And even before the old professor could say anything, Seungcheol ran out of the class immediately, only for the class to look at his disappearing figure, totally thinking of him as a freak and nothing else.

When they thought this couldn't get more weird, Choi Seungcheol came back in class again, panting due to all running he did before he launched himself towards Jeonghan's seat, the one which was few seats away from front and immediately started packing his stuffs.

Jeonghan, he was baffled, more like frozen on his seat due to his sudden appearance and actions.

"What the hell you are doing Choi?!"

The second Seungcheol finished grabbing his stuffs, he handed the packed bag to Jeonghan, "Sorry, i forgot to mention. We need to leave. It's an emergency."


The second the both elders reached to the over bearing crowd filled washroom, all they saw was Jeon Wonwoo sitting on the floor, panting and out of his wits, and beside him was sitting Kim Mingyu, the man Wonwoo was resting his head against the chest of.

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