Meanie 6

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"A week? Hyung! That's too early!"

"Told father the same thing but he said you are ready so early and late shouldn't matter."

Mingyu looked back at his older brother in disbelief whilst walking through the campus, having Vernon slumping his arms around his shoulders in a way younger claimed showing his emotional support as.

But Mingyu couldn't appreciate that at this moment. He was confused. Just three days have passed after that traumatising dinner he had with three brothers, he was not slapped with the news of his marriage being held just after a week from today. The thought of marrying Jeon Wonwoo out of all people he met made him feel like curling himself in a ball and throwing himself in dustbin.

He shifted little more towards Seungcheol's side, wanting to seek warmth of consolation that everything will be alright as Vernon had already waved his goodbye and went towards his first class.

Seungcheol and Mingyu on the other had still had about an hour before their classes start. Technically, they shouldn't be here this early but since Vernon had his early classes, he always tend to make his both brothers come together with him. It was good and bad, having both pros and cons for both brothers.

Seungcheol chuckled when he realised Mingyu had shifted a little more closer to him. The younger had clutched on his bag, which hung on his shoulder from one side, so hard that Seungcheol had to slap his hands away, making the younger groan in pain.

"Hyung!" Mingyu looked at him in baffled, Seungcheol on the other hand glared at him, punching him playfully in his stomach, "He is not going to kill you for god's sake Mingyu! Grow up!"

"I am literally taller than you!" The younger protested, earning a punch again and curling himself while pretending that it hurts, "You are a bad human! Punching your brother like that? Infact you are worst than him!"

Seungcheol glared at him again, feeling the urge to punch the shit out of his younger until he heard the murmurs increasing its volume around them. Both brothers couldn't help but look at front, finding Jeonghan and Wonwoo coming from other side, Seungkwan being absent because of probably being inside the classroom with Vernon.

Mingyu wanted to hide away the moment he saw the both, specially his soon to be husband walking towards him but he didn't, mainly because his older brother was clutching on his palms, making him stay on his spot like a statue.

The whispers increased more when Jeonghan and Wonwoo stood in front of them, probably expecting them to side away when they were literally standing in middle of empty corridor, people already backed off the moment they expected the meeting of four brothers.

"Side." Jeonghan ordered, wanting to make his way in between the brothers but Seungcheol stood in front of him, staring at him as if he was challenging his audacity.

"And what if I don't?" Mingyu heard his brother ask in a tone he didn't remember being used on him. His eyes then went on Wonwoo, the man who was visibly in bad mood, maybe after hearing the news of wedding in early morning.

Mingyu wanted to laugh the way Wonwoo had so much restraint on himself while he was trying not to punch him hard on his face. He took a step closer to him, definitely catching him off guard when his realised the eyes behind those glasses had somewhat widened from their actual size. Mingyu's tone was huffed, "If you are that displeased by me, why not call this off?"

It took Wonwoo a moment to realise what was asked before him. He looked at Mingyu, exempting if he really wanted the answer before he bust on him, whispering threateningly back at him, "Looks like you are the one who is more displeased by this all in two of us."

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