Meanie 19

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"Fuck- Fuck- fuck-!"

Seungkwan chanted the word like it was some kind of mantra that would reverse his delay of fifteen minutes in his class. He was running, the corridor already empty enough for him to not collide against some unknown shoulder and fall flat on his face.

The professor, he'll kill him.

It was all because of his Wonwoo Hyung! Seungkwan blamed him in all forms. If it wasn't for him, Seungkwan wouldn't have spent his time narrating the spicy news about his husband and definitely wouldn't have lost the track of his time. And now, he was late, for fucking fifteen minutes.

His professor was definitely going to hand him extra assignment for it.

It was always like that, student who were late in his class were handed extra works as an punishment, and more than often, that extra work was treated as thousands kilos of weight on student's shoulders. Who even like extra works in weekend?

Seungkwan definitely don't.

The door was just few meters away, and since Seungkwan could see it, a sigh of relief washed through his face. Atleast he was there.

Extra assignment was it then.

Seungkwan hurriedly tried to grab the door knob, all ready to enter inside but even before his finger could lay completely on the metal, a hand grabbed the knob as well, causing the metal to be partially held by both, him and the stranger.

And when Seungkwan looked up at the man, the man wasn't a stranger anymore.

Well well, if you feel something while looking at someone, they aren't stranger to you. Seungkwan too felt something inside himself when his eyes landed on him.

Rage, pure hatredful rage.

"Leave the knob, right now." He warned, but Hansol wouldn't be Hansol if he listened to something or more like to Seungkwan in one go. He gave him a dry ass smile, totally sarcastic, "I grabbed onto it first."

"Is this a competition?!" Seungkwan was baffled, "Why do you always find early mornings to piss me off?!"

"Why do you show your face early morning to ruin my mood huh? I didn't ask to see your face, did i?"

"I ain't dying to see your face either bloody Hansol Vernon chwe! Infact, if you'd look in the mirror, you'd know why."

Hansol pressed his lips in thin line, and next second, he lost his all cool.

"Listen you shithead, if i had a face as ugly as yours, I wouldn't have dared to roam around like you do. The government should ban you from coming out for safety of it's citizens, since you ugly face is nothing but definitely a hazard to society."

Seungkwan visibly gasped.

How dare he?!

"I'll punch you in face chwe! Don't blame me when you'll go crying to you older brother for protection."

"Bring it on then." Hansol sounded pissed, and the next second, he let go of the knob, taking a step in seungkwan's direction, "Let's see who goes crying to his brother first."

Seungkwan gritted his teeth in annoyance, "Are you sure your brother don't sing lullaby to make you sleep huh? Cause the way you look, like a fucking pampered baby, it will be you crying, not me."

Ofcourse Hansol in his black leather jacket and tight damaged jeans looked nothing but a man who was fed on silver spoon all of his life. The way his hair was styled, like a rowdy spoiled brat, Seungkwan hated every ounce of it.

He hated Hansol in general as well so it was fair enough.

And for sure Hansol hated him with the same intensity. Usually by now, both of them would have thrown hands on eachother than these petty insults, but something, something very strange made the both men still glare at eachother instead of being what they wanted to be.

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