Meanie 5

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After having the greetings done, his father pointed them to sit in front, leaving Mingyu just in front of Wonwoo.

Mingyu vividly remembers Wonwoo's frozen expressions when his eyes landed on him and his brothers. He knew they weren't expecting them to be here, in the same way they weren't expecting anything that happened. If it was any normal situation, the brothers would already have been on eachother's throat, ready to kill the one in front but right now, the situation was more related to their fathers than them.

And on the top of that, they didn't wanted their fathers to know the fact that they knew the three from University and have met them already. When their most of the meetings were definitely not friendly and that thing definitely wouldn't please the fathers of both sides, they ought to keep that little secret inside them. It was their personal problem anyway, something that has nothing to do with business if not marriage.

But Mingyu could still see Wonwoo glaring at him while sitting in front, as if pointing at him for all the chaos that happened. He was baffled, but his frustration didn't left out from the fork he threateningly pointed at him while glaring back, something he learnt from Vernon over years.

Suddenly his older brother leaned towards his side, indicating him to lean too as Mingyu did the same. Even Hansol leaned in when he wasn't even invited, all that just to hear his brother whisper, "If it's the older one you are getting married, you have very few moments of happiness left. I am not even joking that he will make your life hell without any day as exception."

Mingyu gulped hard, looking at front just to find Jeonghan glaring at him from all his might. Suddenly, Mingyu could see no otherwise in his hyung's sentence. He was definitely going to strangle him to death on the very next day of their wedding, if that really happened.

"Or even worst that you got married to the youngest." Mingyu heard his younger say in his other ears, "The younger one will definitely put poison in your coffee in the very next day of your marriage."

Mingyu glared at his younger brother, a way to tell him to shut the fuck up since he was already very scared. Before few moments, he wasn't feeling anything perticular, but now he felt every little emotion he didn't felt in long while, panick, fear, frustration, agression, disbelief, dismay and other fifty shades of grief.

Even Boo Seungkwan looked threatening to him at that point. He couldn't help it. His eyes then automatically settled on Jeon Wonwoo as he couldn't help but whisper back to both his brothers, "I don't see any bright day ahead even if that's the middle one I am getting married to." He turned his head one by one to his both brothers, pleading, "Give me a nice grave once he kill me on the same wedding day."

Vernon retreated back, patting his back as if saying that he would. Seungcheol on the other hand shook his head in discrete manner, showing off his disapproval. It was the time when Wonwoo's father finally decided to speak when Mingyu's father asked him to introduce his sons to his.

As if they didn't actually know eachother all these while.

Their father but was glad with that offer, "Meet my sons." He point at Jeonghan, "His name is Yoon Jeonghan. He is the oldest." He then pointed at Seungkwan, "He is Boo Seungkwan, he is my youngest." And Mingyu saw their father releasing a sigh, first time in a while that someone's breath made him hear his heart palpitations loud and clear, "And he is my middle child, Jeon Wonwoo. The one I was- no, the one who is willingly ready to be your son-in-law."

Mingyu could gag as that word definitely when it wasn't even said to him. He knew something like this would happen, he always had that feeling inside him. If it was Wonwoo he was about to marry, he rather stay single.

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