Meanie 10

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Mingyu and Wonwoo didn't saw eachother after then. They both attended classes, stayed in the same classroom but drastically avoided coming in front of eachother.

Mingyu knew it was because of what his Hyung had advised, Wonwoo's older brother might also have said the same thing. Being around eachother meant they will bicker, and if they will bicker, there was much chances of them speaking something they should not.

Also Seungcheol Hyung was still trying to get his hold on the CCTV footage, something which was hard to have a grip on since it was under management. Luckily the corridor they were in was surrounded by camera and Seungcheol Hyung was sure he'll find out who it is soon.

The remaining three days before the wedding went peacefully. Both side attending classes to not let the other person assume that they were being hunted down, but still being extremely alarmed over the smallest things around them. The younger ones weren't allowed to wonder alone, the older ones were told to stay away from eachother while the middle ones were ignoring eachother from all their mights.

Not until Mingyu's father summoned both Mingyu and Wonwoo to choose the own style of suit for their wedding.

Mingyu didn't wanted to, it was clearly visible on his face when he walked inside of the designer's shop, not even shocked to see Wonwoo sitting on the couch and scrolling through his phone.

He was wearing his baggy jeans and normal black t-shirt, not really enthusiastic by the fact that he was told to choose his clothes as same as Mingyu. When the taller stood in front of him, the older first glanced at him and then tried to act surprised, "Oh my god! Look who is here! Someone who is full fifteen minutes late."

Mingyu smiled sarcastically, "I never told you to be on time, did i?"

Wonwoo wanted to punch the taller right on his teeths and watch them break off like ripen mangoes falling off the tree but he controlled himself, for the sake of the fact that after tomorrow, he'll be the one watching his that ugly face like a punishment.

One of the employee immediately stood in between them, trying to smile when she realised both were going to let the hell break loose. She shuttered
In the process of gaining their attention, "Umm..sir please can you both..follow me. We have prepared quite a lot of options for you both, it would be a big help if you could choose one."

Mingyu was already standing up so it was just Wonwoo who had to leave his comfortable couch just to follow a lady who was probably leading him to one of the show rooms for their clothes.

The moment they both started to follow the lady, Mingyu suddenly asked, "I forgot to ask something. What were you even doing in changing room yesterday? You weren't there to annoy me, were you?"

Wonwoo looked at him feeling baffled. He was there to annoy him, what really was so confusing in that mere information? But beside being an asshole for coming all the way from third floor to ground one just to annoy a man, who was much taller than him in height, there was one more reason.

"Your friends...they stopped me in my way that day and tried to threaten me."

His tone wasn't something which sounded guilty. It felt like he was just stating facts and nothing else. Mingyu on the other hand was perplexed, "Seokmin, Minghao and Jihoon? Threatening you? For what?"

Wonwoo shrugged his shoulders, "For me getting you scolded from every single professor. Honestly, their this act can lead them somewhere graver, and threatening me, a son of mafia on the top of that, do you really think I'll let it slide off?"

Mingyu voice suddenly hardened, his tone was harsher than before, "Then try me. The moment you touch any one of them, I'll show you who slides it off and who don't."

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