The race

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Evan and Bandit were cleaning the house while Chilli was at work and the kids were at school, then Bandit had an idea he started cleaning faster Evan saw this "game on!' he said cleaning faster as well they moved to the dusting Bandit was coughing meanwhile Evan held his breath, they finished and finally it was the lawn they had their lawnmowers both had trouble starting but Bandit got frustrated and kicked it

Evan and Bandit were cleaning the house while Chilli was at work and the kids were at school, then Bandit had an idea he started cleaning faster Evan saw this "game on!' he said cleaning faster as well they moved to the dusting Bandit was coughing...

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Evan then asked Bandit if he was okay Bandit nodded Evan started his and it worked he ran and mowed the lawn Bandit finally started his and hugged it also kissed it he starts running

Both were almost finished there was only one patch of grass left they looked at each other and waited for who was going to make the first move, Bandit ran and laughed Evan followed behind and they were neck and neck they reached the last patch and...

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Both were almost finished there was only one patch of grass left they looked at each other and waited for who was going to make the first move, Bandit ran and laughed Evan followed behind and they were neck and neck they reached the last patch and saw that Bandit got it first and and shouted "YEAH!" both his arms in the air in triumphant Evan sighed but smiled and they shook hands, "what happened to you two?" Chilli said behind them then both said "we raced each other!"

Hello there this is the first time i used images and making this short it was nice to make something that's small but not too small and thanks and bye!

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