Evan's time with Samantha

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Evan was cleaning his room when he finishes he gets an idea of calling Sam so he opened his phone and dialed her number and it rang for a few seconds

Sam: hello?, Evan?

Evan: hey Sam wanna know if we could hang out?

Sam: uh.. sure i just need to finish something, lets meet at the (I don't know) cafe?

Evan: sure

Evan got up and went and took a bath then he got dressed and left the house then took the bus to the (I don't know) cafe and sat down to wait for Sam to arrive, a few minutes later she arrived and Evan waved to catch her attention and he went to her

Sam: sorry that i'm late Evan

Evan: it's good

Cashier: next please

Evan: hi can i get white milk coffee and lavender bread please

Sam: could i get a caramel macchiado with mini bread rolls please

Cashier: alright that'll be 8.60$ please

Sam: kay here-

Evan: here ya go

Cashier: thank you your order will be done shortly

Sam: why'd you pay?, i was going to do it

Evan: well i was the one who asked to hang out in the first place

Sam: well thanks Evan

Evan: no prob

Cashier: here are your orders sir, have a nice day

Evan: thank you

He and Sam went to their table and they both took out their phones to take a pic of their orders and they looked at each other and they both chuckled, then they ate their food and left the cafe they were walking and chatting while sipping their coffees

Evan: so what do you wanna do next?

Sam: *sipping* hm.. dunno maybe go to the arcade?

Evan: wait there's an arcade here?

Sam: oh yeah its a pretty cool place

Evan: well what are we waiting for keys go!. He runs forward

Sam: heh Evan the arcade is that way

Evan: *blushing* oh... heh heh

Sam: *chuckling* come on follow me

Evan followed behind Sam as they went to the arcade and when they arrived it had a sign that said "Ark-cade" they entered in and Evan's eyes widened as inside was like a 80s arcade style with neon lights everywhere on the walls, ceiling and even the floor had neon lights

Sam: so what do you think?

Evan: this.. is.. the coolest place i've seen

Sam: well come on, let's get some tokens to play these games!. They went to the front desk where a golden retriever was playing on a Gameboy colour

Skye: hey Sam, oh is that Evan you told me about?

Sam: hi Skye!, yeah this is Evan and he's human and i wanna show him the Ark

Evan: *waves* hello

Skye: hey so you're a human?

Evan: yup!, no fur on my body or tail

Skye: can i touch your skin?

Evan: oh uhm.. sure!

Skye: it feels soft and kinda warm

Evan: o-oh thank you hehe

Skye: anyway here some free tokens

Evan: uh.. how old are you?

Skye: 17 why?

Evan: well Sam is 16 so i thought you two were the same ages

Sam: fair point but let's go play some games Evan

Evan: okay bye Skye

Skye waved at them, Evan and Sam were playing some games Sam was hopping basketballs and Evan was playing a fishing game

Sam: hey Evan let's play some Doom?

Evan: sure but how do you play this game?

Sam: wait your serious rights now?

Evan: y-yeah i've never played Doom heh

Sam: well it's pretty easy you just hold the weapon then you aim and fire at the targets

Evan: so i press this trigger button?

Sam: yup now let's start

Then the game started and Sam was firing at the targets while Evan just ran and shoots in different directions not hitting any "Evan i need some help here" Sam asked Evan then he looks at the screen for a minute then he started shooting the targets and was killing all the targets with a 66 kill streak and Sam was amazed on how Evan played, then the game finishes

Sam: i thought you didn't know how to play?

Evan: huh what?

Sam: hey you good?

Evan: y-yeah just got into the game yeah..

Sam: well anyways wanna grab something to eat?

Evan: sure

Evan and Sam spent 2 hours at the Ark-cade playing games and eating snacks when it was 4:16 PM Evan told Sam goodbye and he went back to the Heeler household


Calypso: ★★☆☆☆

Wendy: ★★☆☆☆

Doreen: ☆☆☆☆☆

Jeffrey: ☆☆☆☆☆

Sam: ★☆☆☆☆

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