Evan's time with Wendy

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Evan was doing nothing again and had an idea again so he got up and took a shower afterwards he put on his clothes and took his wallet, phone and left the house and to Wendy's house, he knocked on the door and a few seconds the door opened and Wendy had a towel wrapped around her and Evan looked away to not see

Wendy: o-oh good morning Evan, what can i do for you today?

Evan: i-i uhm.. wanna know if we can hangout?

Wendy: you want to.. hangout?

Evan: yeah if you don't mind of course

Wendy: well i'll be happy to come inside while i dry myself

They went inside and Wendy went upstairs and Evan sat on the couch and was waiting, Wendy was blushing and dried her fur and brushed it then she took her purse and went downstairs and Evan stood up and went to the door they left the house and walked down hill and waited for the bus to arrive

Soon the bus arrived and they got in and their destination was the mall, after an hour they hopped off the bus and went up the escalator to the mall they looked around and Evan suggested they get popsicles, Wendy got a vanilla pop and Evan got a green apple pop they chatted about baking tips and stuff

After they were now going to a gardening shop and Wendy was picking up some tools and etc for her plants, Evan was just smelling the flowers around the shop and some dogs looked at him then he felt a paw tap behind him it was Jack

Jack: hi Evan!

Evan: hey Jack what ya doing here?

Jack: me and my mom are here buying flowers and uh..

Evan: gardening stuff?

Jack: uh.. yeah that!

Evan: well good luck with that

Jack: hey Evan

Evan: hm?, yeah?

Jack: i was wondering if.. ooh a poppy *sniffs the flower*

Evan: uh.. jack?

Jack: huh what?, oh.. sorry Evan there's just something wrong with me..

Evan: really?

Jack: yeah i can't seem to remember some stuff and i always get distracted with other stuff..

Evan: well i think i know what you have

Jack: you do?

Evan: yeah you have ADHD

Jack what's.. AD.. hd?

Evan: well. He explained to Jack what ADHD stands for and what it means in a way that jack could understand

Jack: ohh so it's normal?

Evan: yup, hey i met someone who had ADHD when i was younger

Jack: really!

Evan: yeah, his name was Enzo he was the same age as me when i first met him he acted like you but more ADHD

Jack: wow so there's someone else who has something like me?

Evan: yeah so don't think it's a bad thing, also what were you about to say again earlier?

Jack: oh yeah!, i was wondering if you can have a sleepover at my house!

Evan: hm.. sure i'll think about it *writes his number on paper* here jack give this to your mum so we can have a sleepover sometime

Jack: okay thanks Evan!

Evan waves goodbye to Jack and then went to Wendy he saw her trying to reach something above so he used his legs and nearly got it then grabbed it and gave it to Wendy "thank you Evan this was the last thing i needed so let's check this out" they went to the cash register and bought what Wendy got and they left then they bought some pastries

They then entered a shop that sells body wash and other stuff Wendy bought shampoo, conditioner and Evan bought 2 of lavender shampoo, conditioner and Wendy was surprised that Evan really liked lavender, he then bought a hairbrush and they paid for it and went outside the mall and sat on the chair waiting for the bus to arrive then Evan spotted someone familiar so he left his stuff and went over to

Jeffrey, he saw him and he waved and Evan waved as well "hi Jeffrey so how's the shop going?" Jeffrey then pulled out a notepad and wrote on it "it's been doing good i've been doing okay too so what about you?" The notepad said

"same all just doing okay and also the gingersnaps were really good too thanks for the tips!" Jeffrey then gave a thumbs up then waved goodbye to Evan and he waved bye to him too

Evan then went back to Wendy and the bus arrived so they got in and sat down and went back, they soon arrived at the bus stop and they got off and went up the hill and into the cul-de-sac and Evan said goodbye to Wendy and he went inside the Heeler household but was hit by a plushie "sorry Evan!" Bluey said upstairs


Calypso: ★☆☆☆☆

Wendy: ★☆☆☆☆

Doreen: ☆☆☆☆☆

Jeffy: ☆☆☆☆☆

Sam: ☆☆☆☆☆

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