French lesson

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Bandit and Evan were in the downstairs living room, he was trying to teach Evan some french he learned from when he went to France with Chilli He taught him the basics first then a little harder then the whole alphabet Bandit was grinning he was thinking that Evan wouldn't be able to memorise it, he then spoke to Evan in french

Bandit: bonjour, je m'appelle Bandit Heeler,  papa le plus cool
(Hello my name is Bandit Heeler coolest dad)

Evan: wouh, that was a lot...

Bandit: *grinning and eyes half closed* give it a try mate!

Evan: *deep breaths* salut, je m'appelle Evan Ciao et je suis l'humain le plus cool de tous Les temps et j'ai Les plus beaux cheveux
(Hi my name's Evan Ciao and i'm the coolest human ever and i have the most beautiful hair)

Bandit was left speechless his jaw agape he couldn't think that Evan memorised the whole thing he then put his paw on his shoulder and said

Bandit: please teach me Evan!

Second short made and i was thinking about changing the name should i do it or no? thanks again for reading!

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