Happy father's day, question mark

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Evan was at the mall choosing a father's present, but when he got to the mall he realised that he has not just Bandit as his dad, but also his actual dad that's in his head

He had trouble picking who he'll spend father's with though, James was his biological dad and he's a bit well actually cringe when he tries to be cool or something

Then Bandit is a funny big goof ball of a dad and is cool too, but both are great dad's that cared for their families

He thinks about the pros and cons of both but he only got them both the same as he tries really hard to choose

But he suddenly felt someone tapping his shoulder and when he turned around he saw that it was Robert, or grandpa Bob that everyone else just called him by

Evan: oh! Hey there grandpa Bob, what are you doing here?

Bob: eh im just looking for Bandit

Evan: Bandit?, wait are you going to meet up or something?

Bob: well he called me that we'll be spending father's day at the mall, but he isn't here but till i found you here

Evan: heh well im actually trying to find a good father's day present for him now, but as you can see im having a bit of trouble here, hehe

Bob: hm... How about us three just spend time together here at the mall?, oh there's Bandit over there!

Bandit: sorry that im a bit late dad, wait what are you doing here Evan?

Even: just uh.. wanted to spend father's day with you, after all your my adoptive dad, and your dad is here too

Bandit: hey yeah this is a great idea!, alright what should we do first?

Evan: 'hey Eren!, could you-'

Eren: 'hang out with dad?, heh don't worry, dad's is playing Mario kart 8'

Evan: 'well could you tell him-'

Eren: 'already told him, now shut up and go hang out with big blue fella and gray geezer'

Evan: 'heh alright'

The three of them then went to different stores to buy things and ate some food at some joints, Bob and Bandit and Evan were having a lot of fun spending father's day together

——————————————————A/N: sorry for the short chapter, but also happy father's day to all the dad's out there!

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