Maltese household

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Evan then woke up at 5:25 AM he got up and did some stretches and went to the kid's room and saw Bluey and Bingo, Lila asleep he smiled and slowly approached the bed and gently picked up Lila and found a fairly large blanket to wrap Lila in to not get her cold

Evan then puts on his hoodie and leaves the house and went downhill and checked his phone he looked at the text that Lila's mum sent where their address is so he walked to her house since he didn't have his wallet on him so he walked all the way to her house

After an hour it was 6:03 AM and he was passing several houses and checking their addresses to see if it matches with the one Lila's mum sent, he then yawned and was a little tired then he checked the house in front and i deed that he found the right house so walked over to the door and rang the doorbell

Sheila: who is it at this time? *Opens the door*

Even: *yawn* morning Mrs. Maltese, i brought Lila back *yawn*

Sheila: oh thank you Evan, do you want to rest here for a while?

Evan: that would be great, thank you *yawn*

Sheila: you can sleep in my room i'm going to make me some tea

Evan: oke... *Falls asleep*

Sheila: *sipping tea* what time is it?, 6:08 alright i think i'm gonna go back to bed. But she forgot that Evan was in her room asleep and she laid on the bed and went to sleep but suddenly heard Evan mumbling

Even: mum...

Sheila: *whispering* oh i forgot that i let him sleep here, i should wake him up-

Evan: please don't leave me alone again...

Sheila: 'is he having a dream about his mother?, poor thing he really misses her'

Even: mum.. can you hug me...

Sheila: 'i feel bad for him, maybe i should hug him?' *hugs him*

Even: *hugs her back* i missed your warm hugs mum...

Sheila: *blushing* 'h-his face is getting a little bit closer!'

Even: i miss you and dad *hugs slightly tighter*

Sheila: 'w-why am i feeling like this towards him?, i s-should stop this'. She lets go of Evan and she slowly gets up from bed and tugs him to wake up

Even: uh... *Yawn* what?, o-oh!

Sheila: h-hi could you please get up?

Evan: s-sorry, sorry i didn't mean to burden you mrs.-

Sheila: Sheila, please call me Sheila

Even: o-okay Sheila, i should get going home now bye

Evan walks back to the Cul-de-sac and into the Heeler household and yawned once more and flopped onto his bed and went to sleep

Meanwhile at the Maltese household

Sheila: 'i don't know why i felt.. felt like that again, and it's towards him?, what do i do?, should i go to a doctor?, m-maybe it was just because i was.. too close to his face' *blushing*

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