fancy restaurants 2

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Evan entered the playroom to see what the kids wanted when he entered the room he was met with Muffin and Socks holding towels and Bluey and Bingo were at a playhouse kitchen then the two other Heeler sisters tapped Evans leg and said "write this way sir" muffin said and Socks giggling Evan sat down and they asked Evan what he wanted

Evan: hm... Maybe i'll get the special is that good?

Muffin: oh yes sir pwease wait

Muffin then went to Bluey and Bluey and asked them what was the special both Bluey and Bingo had a smile on their faces they both told Muffin to entertain the customer, Evan then saw Bluey and Bingo leave he was about to stand up but stopped by Muffin now in the kitchen Bluey grabbed a plate and Bingo opened the fridge to see ehat they got

Muffin then went to Bluey and Bluey and asked them what was the special both Bluey and Bingo had a smile on their faces they both told Muffin to entertain the customer, Evan then saw Bluey and Bingo leave he was about to stand up but stopped by Mu...

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Downstairs Evan and Socks were watching Muffin play the toy guitar then Bluey, Bingo came back and held a plate with

Downstairs Evan and Socks were watching Muffin play the toy guitar then Bluey, Bingo came back and held a plate with

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Bluey, Bingo: Everything!

They then placed in on Evans plate he smiled nervously at them and asked if he really needed to eat this it made the kids down then they heard Bandit and Chilli behind them Bandit saw them and gave Evan a worried look, Bandit, Chilli then told them they're going to eat dinner now but Evan immediately ate the food the kids were happy that evsn liked their special dish and both parents were worried about him he then finished the whole thing and said "Yum!" With a smile then Chilli led the kids to the kitchen

Bandit: Evan ate ya good mate?

Evan: y-yup *thumbs up*

Bandit: h-how are you Evan able to talk?

Evan: d-don't worry about me i ate far worse when i was young and my palette is stronger so i- *covered mouth*

Bandit: this way mate!

Evan: t-thanks Bandit *throwing up*

Bandit: let it out *pats back* it's okay mate

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