His confession is now

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Evan was walking back home and he then spots Calypso with her friend chatting at a cafe

Evan decided to go over there and ask all of them something that's been lingering inside of him

Calypso and the others saw Evan and immediately all their hearts started beating with each step he gets closer

Evan stands in front of them all, and  Calypso, Wendy, Sheila, Lucy, Emily, Minnie were all looking at him

Evan then scratches the back of his head for a minute trying to think of a way to tell this to them all

And meanwhile all of them were awaiting Evan to speak and tell them what they all wanted to hear

Evan: sooo.. i kinda have this secret.. and it's inside me and their name is...

Everyone: 'me!'

Evan: is Eren

Everyone: what?

Evan: hold on a sec 'yo get out and introduce yourself to then'

Eren: 'finnne' yo!, what's up ladies names Eren Ciao

Everyone: what are you talking about?

Eren: *sigh* how about*removes his shirt* this eh?

Everyone: *blushing*


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