Evan's time with Wendy 2

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Wendy was doing some exercises at her backyard then heard Evan's voice behind her

Evan: morning Wendy

Wendy: morning too Evan

Evan: i was wondering if we could hangout again?

Wendy: oh!, well sure i'll like to

Evan: great let's go!

Wendy: right now?

Evan: yeah or if you want we can hang out in your house if you like

Wendy: well maybe we could go to Rad's gym?

Evan: sure i could go into shape some more

They went and got their bags with towels and things they'll need at a gym and some clothes for Evan, they took the bus there and when they arrived Evan saw Rad doing some bench presses

Evan: hey Rad

Rad: oh hey Evan!, hey you two know each other?

Wendy: yes we're neighbours Rad

Evan: and we're here to do some exercises

Rad: alright!, yeah you two get to it and i'm going back doing my bench presses!

Evan: be careful Rad

Rad: thanks!

They headed to the men's and women's locker rooms and placed their bags down then went to the first floor to do some exercises, Evan did some weight lifting while Wendy was on the treadmill on jogging mode and they were sweating

Wendy: *huff* my this is making me really tired right now how about-. She saw Evan doing double bicep curls and she was staring at him

Evan: *breathing heavily* 33, 34, 35, 36 phew!, what were you saying Wendy?

Wendy: *shook her head* yes!, oh i was wondering if we could swap?

Evan: sure here these are 25kgs be careful

Wendy: don't worry about me i can handle it. Evan then patted her back and her tail wagged

Evan: alright now in going to get my stamina up and beat Rad

They were doing this for about 2 hours till they were really tired "hey Wendy im going to hit the showers you should too" then he went to the second floor and when he left Wendy had a smile and her tail wagged, then she went to the second floor too and went to the women's shower room and cooled off, afterwards she dried off and went to her locker then Evan went to his locker with a towel around his waist and she saw his body again and blushes

He puts on his clothes and went back to working out and Wendy shook her head and followed where he went, and hour has passed Wendy was doing leg presses while Evan was bench pressing 40kg and his body was covered in sweat this made Wendy stare at him while she blushes more

Then they finished off with stationery bikes and Evan was pedaling fast enough to make a strong wind blow Wendy's fur

Evan: phew!, and that's that and i'm tired, so Wendy wanna head back?

Wendy: oh!, yes let's go

Evan: alright, bye Rad!

Wendy: bye Radley!

Rad: bye guys!, and Wendy see you tomorrow and get some rest kay?

Wendy: sure Rad!

They rode the bus again back to the Cul-de-sac and Evan dropped Wendy off her house and he was heading back to his but Wendy called him

Wendy: Evan wait

Evan: hm?, yeah?

Wendy: 'you can do this Wendy just confess to him already!' i wanted to tell you that.. i would like to-

Evan: *hugs her* to give ya a hug sure thing Wendy

Wendy: *blushing* i-i.. 'do it! just do it!' thanks i needed a hug...

Evan: anytime Wendy because u know that Judo is at his house this weekend so i know your getting lonely, but don't forget that me and your neighbours and friends are here Wendy

Wendy: thank you Evan goodnight

Evan: *waves* night Wendy!

She entered her house and went to the living room then dropped her bag down and laid on the couch she looks up and smiles with her face blushing

"I know that i didn't have it in me to tell him directly today but.. i really like him with me feeling like this maybe i should confess my feelings to him next time"


Calypso: ★★☆☆☆

Wendy: ★★☆☆☆

Doreen: ☆☆☆☆☆

Jeffrey: ☆☆☆☆☆

Sam: ☆☆☆☆☆

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