book 2 announcement+[snippet]

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Hey y'all. Surprise surprise I'm alive! And I bring with me good news from above!

Boo 2 of [Rewritten] out she came in... Naruto has been published! Yay~

Here's a little snippet from the latest chapter

"Are you ready Hinata~hime?"


"What about you Rin~hime?" The hyuga turned to me.

We were currently in the middle of the compound, dressed in those god awful jumpsuits. This was a place where the history of our bloodline would be rewritten. To the eyes of the entire clan, it was a battle who's ending had been decided long before it ever begun. But to me, that was not the case. Hinata and I were going to spar. And in this battle of succession...


I was going to lose.

Hinata's pov

' this. It's always been like this. Why can't I ever beat her? No, why can't I ever beat anyone? Tou~san, Rin~san, Neji~san. Even Hanabi is slowly catching up. Why am I always getting left behind?'

She grunted at the pain from the jab in her shoulder. It was painful enough, but wasn't enough to disable her. She aimed a round kick to the side and her twin jumped back. Face calm as ever, her byakugan wasn't even activated.

Hinata was overwhelmed.

'At this rate, I'm going to lose.'

She charged again with force, aiming for a Chakra point. Rin blocked it and made a counter attack of her own, punching her stomach. Hinata doubled over in pain, gasping for air.

"Get up Hina. It's not over yet."

She looked up at her face, their face. How could they be so similar yet different at the same time?

"Stop holding back. Come at me" Her beloved sister returned into her fighting pose. A defensive pose.

Above them thunder boomed. The clouds begun to gather in anticipation. It seemed as though everyone was waiting for her to lose. She stared at the hard look on her little sister's face. Calm, and collected.

"Hinata is too soft hearted. She wouldn't be able to differentiate between a friend or a foe."

A sigh escaped her lips.

"You said I shouldn't hold back." She murmured.




"Do you think I'm that weak to not handle your blows? Just how strong do you think you are? How helpless do you think I am?!"

"I don't think you're weak Hina it's just-"

The first drop of rain fell. There was a flash so quick. A shift. A change in the mood of the audience, of the sky. It was as if, something that had been building up for a long time, was finally beginning to spill.

Rin's pov

Hinata charged at me in quick movements, so much so that I unconsciously activated my byakugan just to keep up. It was a change that not only startled me, but everyone else who was present. My sister, glaring at me with fierce pale eyes as tears flowed down her face, mixing with the rain pouring down. We were soaked to the bone, but our fight kept us warm, bathing us in a new light.

Hinata had changed. She had grown.

All this while I'd only looked at her as a precious sister that I had to protect. Maybe it was because I was mentally older than her, but I never really regarded her as an older sister. I mean, we were twins for crying out loud.

But as I stared at her pouring her heart into this duel, I knew without a doubt that Hinata was no longer the shy weak girl in Naruto. She was more than that.

"Wow Hina." I winced at her kick. We were both panting now. She brushed the wet strands of hair off her face and grinned.

"You'd better start taking this very seriously if you want to win it." She said.

I smiled. "Of course Hina." I have no intention of doing so.

If I wanted her and everyone else to believe my loss, I needed her to bring out her best. So that no one could challenge the results. Hinata had every right to rule as the clan head. And if she was ever faced with a difficult decision, I would always be there to lend my support.

Oh how wrong I was then.

We locked into a series of taijutsu. Block, strike, hit, block. Until I found an opening. Right in her left side. If I kicked her there, it would all be over. I made a move for it and pretended to miss, hitting her a few inches above the point. She hissed and jumped back a few inches. Then came at me with more force.

'That's it Hina. Come at me.'

She feigned a movement above my head and I lifted my arms to block it, leaving my chest open for the final blow. Her eyes widened in hope at the opportunity and she brought her arm back, her parm open as she unleashed the final strike.


That was where my seal was. If she hit me there the possibility of the numerous amounts of chakra being released was high. All that time training with Jiraiya would have gone to waste.

The thought spurred me into action and the next events were a blur. That simple reflex concluded the fight. In my efforts to stop her I tripped her and hit the chakra point on her neck, paralysing her.

The rain poured.

"Ah, what a mistake. What to do now?"

"Rin~hime wins!"

The faint sound of clapping was dulled by the rain. I looked up, unable to bear the disappointed look on Hinata's face. I was so tired. From saving Shisui to the Uchiha massacre, and now this.

"Rin." A soft voice called, forcing me to lower my gaze. Through the pain she forced a smile and closed her eyes.

"Congratulations." 'For once again being stronger than me.'


I don't like beating you Hina.

[Rewritten] Out she came in...NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now