Chapter 14: busted

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Like last time, my body recovered within a few weeks. However, I was advised not to use chakra for the next couple of days or so.

I didn't argue, it wasn't like I was gonna use it for anything meaningful. Unless enemies started dropping from the sky.

The whole village had come to know to the attempted abdication. But they had no knowledge of who stopped it. Hiashi had decided to keep my power secret. For whatever reason, I didn't know and didn't care enough to bother to find out.

By noon, I was sitting on a swing, patiently waiting for Barbara to begin explaining. She sat on the one adjacent to mine, pinching the bridge of her nose. After what seemed like forever she finally begun.

"So, you probably noticed by now how overly strong we are. The large chakra reserves we are able to tap with ease with little to no damage to our system."

I nodded. "That's because of our training. From four months or so I begun saving chakra."

Barbara sighed and shook her head. "So I take it you didn't notice. This is going to be troublesome." She muttered.

I raised an eyebrow. "What has that got to do with what you wanted to tell me?"

"Did you ever look at your medical chart? After the incident you should notice a change of behavior to you." She stated.

I slowly nodded. After I woke up my father had become protective of me, yet wary all the same.

The other clan members looked at me as if I was a ticking time bomb. And the triple fools no longer fooled like before. I thought it was because of the shock of  the abduction.

"In normal sense after pulling that move you weren't supposed to be alive. You've done it twice now. I shouldn't be able to do A-rank jutsu." Barbara pointed out.

"Are you saying we're immortal?" I joked.

"No." She shook her head. "You bleed like everyone else, and will die if I stabbed you in the chest."

"Then what?" I was getting tired of speaking in riddles.

"What I'm trying to say is, when we were reborn, we didn't come out normal."

"You don't say." I rolled my eyes, shivering at the thought of rebirth.

After being reborn, I really didn't think I'd ever look at the opposite sex the same way. I inwardly anime cried at that. All my fangirling and self-shippings were going down the drain.

Goodbye sexy hot Uchiha harem.

"-really need to think of the implications of our actions in this word."


Barbara sighed. "You weren't listening were you?" She deadpanned.

I gave her a sheepish smile and chuckled nervously.

"I said we need to be more careful of our actions. Preventing the abduction was a close enough call. Until we figure out what changes are made lie low."

I nodded and subconsciously begun to swing slightly. "That's true. But it still doesn't explain why we're overpowered though." I thought aloud.

Barbara shrugged. "Just check your medical chart. It doesn't make any sense but don't bother figuring it out." She ignored my confused look.

"Somehow though, I have a feeling the answer will come to us pretty soon without looking for it."

She yawned and got up, dusting her shorts. "In the mean time, don't do anything too drastic."

I gave her an offended look, placing my hands on my chest. "It pains me that you think of me as a Naruto figure."

"You are." She said, making me anime sulk.

"And its also why I fear what is to come. While you may not be much of an idiot when it comes to you both, you still are on the Asuma side."

"And you?"

She waved her hand lazily. "I'm on the Indra side. Calm and collected."

"You mean cool." I grumbled, making her smirk.

"Yeah, cool. I'll be the destraction while you get stronger than everyone else and beat me."

The sincerity in her voice made me narrow my eyes.

"Or you could be just too lazy to be the main character." I pointed out.

She chuckled while walking away. "That too."

Ten minutes after Barbara left I took a moment to think of everything that happened in my life so far. It, in a strange way all felt kind of like a dream.

I sighed and made my way home, remembering what Barb had asked me to do.

Making my way into the head house, I made sure to hide my chakra while I sneaked into the records room. To my utmost surprise, I found my records on the old study table, almost as if someone had been studying it.

I sat down and scrolled through the pages. My eyes widened at the content.

They were figures, just figures and jumbled up words that filled page after page after page. There was absolutely no pattern to it. I closed the booklet and sighed.

Barb was right, there was no meaning in trying to figure it out. I sighed  again.

'Rest, I need rest from all this stress.'

As if to mock my silent request, the door slid open with a frowning father and solemn hokage walking inside. This was the first time I met him face to face, and by the grim look on his face, I was certain it wasn't going to be the last.


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