#2: Exit? Sike!

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Jax's POV

After we ate dinner, we proceed to go to our chambers where we usually sleep
While walking, someone grabbed my shoulder, I turned to see it was Caine, I then raised my eyebrow
"Jax... I.. Can I have a conversation with you?" He asked, I then fully faced him with a grin on my face
"Is it about Pomni who unexpectedly went to the-" I said but he quickly covered my mouth
"Not here!" He whispered as I just rolled my eyes
What's the use of my big ears if I didn't warn you if someone might hear
He then teleported us outside the Tent and it was nighttime
"Better hurry up please, I wanna sleep" I groaned
"Plus, we've talked about this like, I dunno how many times. We have the same feeling but with different reasons!" I added
"I'm just gonna clarify something Jax that the adventure earlier was supposed to be for Pomni and she wasn't with you the whole time, so for the future adventures... you guys should keep an eye on her" he explained as I groaned again
"I don't like babysitting, Caine. I thought you have eyes everywhere?? Why not use your eyes instead?" I annoyingly asked
"You have a point but.. Pomni can be suddenly disappeared again out of nowhere or something.." He muttered

"Bring me back to my chamber, Caine. I'm lazy to walk back" I simply said
"Alright then Jax, have a good night!" He exclaimed then teleported me back to the hallway where my chamber is
I was infront of my room, looking at my face that was printed on my door
Look how good looking I am
I entered my room then quickly closed the door, my room is not that comfortable and is a bit messy.
Welp, what a day, how about making new pranks for the newbie
Hehe that would be fun
I jumped on my bed then closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep

3rd Person's POV

"Alright everybody! Rise and shine because we have another wonderful adventure!" Caine excitingly yelled while knocking onto everyone's rooms
"But first, we'll redo our theme song! For our new member, Pomni!" He added
Everyone then started to get out from their bedrooms but only Jax who haven't come out yet
"Huh, that's new, he usually come out first" Ragatha stated
"Can't we start our adventure without him? Let's just go now without him, it would be a real wonderful adventure" Zooble groaned
"No no no, that is not right Zooble! We must all be complete together for the better and much fun adventure! Isn't that right Gangle?" Caine said
"Great!, now let's knock on his door again, maybe he's still having a nice slumber" Caine said as he knocked on Jax's door again, everyone then gathered around to his door
"He's not up yet huh?" Someone suddenly asked
"I think so- wait, that voice-" Ragatha said but stopped, they all turned around to see it was Jax, always smiling at them
Most of them jumped in surprise
"GAAAHH!" Kinger screamed
"Oh, there you are Jax" he added
"Where were you?!" Ragatha asked
"Meh, just planned to be up early to surprise you all from behind which I did and it worked, and it was also fun" Jax said
"The look on your faces, pffft hahaha!" He added as he started laughing
"How annoying, and I'm also having a bad feeling about you being that early.." Zooble groaned
"Well! Since Jax is here, how about we start our theme song! Are you ready now Pomni?" Caine energetically asked
Pomni thought for a while then looked at Ragatha
Ragatha is the first one who she got comfortable with
Ragatha just gave her a nod as Pomni sighed
"Yeah, I guess I am" She said
"Wonderful! Now let's begin!" Caine exclaimed

Jax's POV

After redoing our theme song, Caine told us that our adventure would be "Catch the Biggest Fish" in the Digital Lake
That's great because I've already set some pranks in there
Caine then teleported us to the lake and gave each of us some tools to catch the fish
"Have fun everyone! I'll be just right here with you to... well, watch you" Caine awkwardly said
"Caine, if this is a big fish we're gonna catch, at least give us some more big fishing rod, than just these... normal size" I complained
"I can't believe I'm gonna say this but, Jax has a point" Gangle muttered
"Well, catch that fish on your own Jax, with the big fishing rod you wanted" Zooble said
"Well, the only way to handle the big rod with a big fish is to work together!" Ragatha happily said
"She's right everyone, you all really have some points! Well, here you go!" Caine exclaimed then magically dropped a big rod
That would be heavy
"Forget it, I'm not into this adventure" Zooble grumbled then proceed to walk off
I won't walk that way if I were you
Though the prank I've set in there is supposed to be for the newbie but it's fine
"I'm not into this one either" I said
Zooble then suddenly got dragged up to the tree with the rope prank I've set
I started laughing while pointing a finger at them
"Istg JAX!, you mother#@$&! GET ME DOWN OF HERE!" Zooble yelled
"Now now, we're here for the adventure not for silly pranks of yours Jax" Caine stated as I just rolled my eyes
I looked around to see Kinger collecting some insects in the grass while Gangle and Pomni are having a conversation, Ragatha then started helping Zooble get down
"Caine, do you mind helping us here??" Ragatha annoyingly asked
"Oh okay dear" Caine said then helped them
I then went to the newbie and Gangle
"Sup ladies" I greeted
"Jax, don't you ever dare" Ragatha warned me, I just ignored her
"Hey look! An exit!" I shockingly screamed while pointing behind Pomni, which there's actually no exit behind her
Both of them fell for it who looked behind
"WHERE?!" Pomni asked in panic tone, I then started laughing so hard
What a dummy

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