#20: End

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Since the program is all successful now, they can wear the headset whenever they like to have fun without affecting the memory anymore as well as the physical bodies or the real life bodies
The abstracted people that was in the cellar for so long are also back to the real world and still seem to be questioning everything

3rd Person's POV

"Mom... What about dad..?" Jax hesitatingly asked
"Don't worry about him anymore"
"I'm not worried at him at all and never will"
"So darling, you've been a bad boy eh?" Abelle teasingly asked as she also playfully nudged Jax's arms
Ugh she ignored my question but I don't care about that dipshit at all so nevermind
Jax just looked away while blushing, clearly embarrassed
"Oh it was for their own good" he grumbled
"What do you mean for our own good??" Ragatha asked
"I get him.. It's for us to stay sane and be stronger, even braver" Gangle protested
"Aah... That's why.." Pomni muttered
Psh, what a nonsense, It was unnecessary Zooble thought
"Mom..." Jax trailed "Hm?"

Dang, I know this is embarrassing but I never got the chance to say the word back to her when she put me the headset on Jax thought
"I love you too mom.." He muttered as his other friends just awed
"Oh sweetheart, and I always will..
So everyone... ready to go?" Jax's mom said as everyone just nodded
"Don't worry Caine, I'm sure they'll be back, just use your time with Moon for a while *wink*" Abelle added then summoned the real exit door as Caine just blushed from the statement

"Wow, surprising that you can just summon it" Jax stated as his mom just giggled. Jax then used the key to open the door
To their surprise, it was all bright
Others expected that it would be the void but no, just all white and bright light
They then entered the door one by one....

Appearances changed
Back to normal and started remembering everything

Everyone remembered why they got there in the first place

Zooble wore the headset, they were just like Jax's age when they got there. They wore the headset on because they had enough of the discriminations and bullying from the other kids. The kids just kept breaking all of their fav toys. Zooble had no idea what does the headset do in the first place, they were just told that if they were ever sad or lonely, they could wear it and they did..

Kinger wasn't really fond of insects in the first place, in fact, he's one of the workers at C&A company, he's the first one to test it then when the company found out that there was a problem... they won't be able to take him back but it's all fixed now

Ragatha was a stress mother.. Yes she was supposed to be a mother but the baby died inside her womb.. And her husband left her for some nonsense reasons
She was also one of the workers at C&A Company. She tested the headset that she wasn't supposed to touch because she don't care anymore and she was really depressed that day...

Gangle was a hermit
No friends to talk to at all as well as families
She couldn't make friends because she was an introvert and a "freak" to others. She just kept her smiley face as always but deep inside, she already wanna give up life. She always make other people happy because she don't want them to see being sad at all.
That's when she found the headset on the garbage that seems still to be look fine. She love collecting fine stuffs and she already had everything she want in her house, like the anime plushies, stuffs, and all but she wasn't that satisfied. She tested the headset that still seem to be working fine and... that's when she entered the place

Pomni is just like Ragatha but not a mother, she's a depressed worker at the company. So many problems in life that she couldn't handle it anymore so she tested the headset that wasn't supposed to touch yet..

Now they all understood everything, why they were there in the first place and what was really the purpose of that program
Now, they all started to live a normal life, they even have contact to each others now actually and meeting each others whenever they like

1 year later
They are all satisfied now, no problems at all, if they were somehow to face one... They would choose to visit the Digital World and to have fun

Jax's POV

I still couldn't believe this is it.. But damn, I still looked good~
Combing my hair carefully while staring at myself in the mirror that was in front of me
"Jax darling, dinner's ready! You can call your friends if you like!" Mom exclaimed from the kitchen
Oh, about my friends.... Yeah they all look cool but all older than me ╥﹏╥
I sometimes regret everything I did to them, because I don't really have respect at all! But nvm, I'm fine now XD
But I still don't like their teasing when they found out I was the youngest one of the squad

"Alright mom, I'm coming! We're gonna meet in TADC anyway later so no need to worry!" I yelled back then exited my room
"Alright, if you say so hun!"

So yeah everything is fine now
(Sorry cuz I don't have any ideas anymore as well as motivation of what to write in here😭 but yeah... The story is finished...
No sequel! But if you want then you're free to continue this on ur own and I sure gonna like it XD, no offense intended okay?)

The End

Thank you for reading!💖

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