#18: He's back

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3rd Person's POV

"Zooble! There you are! How was thing went with you?" Ragatha asked while approaching Zooble
"Bad" they simply said, the answer made Ragatha shock
"How about yours?" they asked
"I... well... I guess I could say the same.. Hehe.." Ragatha awkwardly said while rubbing the back of her neck
"But we can't say we failed, maybe it was just part of the process or something... I hope" she added
"There's a possibility, but I also think we just made it worse. Come on, let's just check on the others" Zooble said as they walk off, Ragatha then followed from behind "Okay.. I hope they'll be alright"

When abstracted Jax was on the way to the tent, he suddenly noticed Pomni climbing up the roof of the tent with the long stairs
He growled and started climbing up the tent as well
When Pomni looked down to see what was that noise, she screamed in shock and started to climb faster while panicking
"OH GOSH OH GOSH OH GOSH! SLOW DOWN PLEASE!" She screamed as she finally made it on the top then ducked when Jax jumped for her from behind
The two are now staring at each other then Jax suddenly launched towards Pomni as Pomni kept dodging every attacks

"Okay I'm sorry I'm not really good at this but... Remember the night when I found out one of ur favorite spots? I was really serious and genuine to you that time!" She started
"And it's really cool to know you love to stargaze!" She added then finally stopped running to face him
Jax slowly walking towards her
"We may not be good in terms and it's been months since we met, but i already see you as one of my closest friends! It's just... You just hurt our feelings that's all" Pomni explained while moving her hands around then put one hand to her chest
"We really do see that you really do care at all, Jax... We really do..
I'm sorry for everything or whatever I did to you Jax... I mean it..." Pomni finished as she started to get closer to Jax then touched him with her palm as her hand started glitching

Abstracted Jax started to recognize her, he knew very well that she shouldn't be doing that, heck she even hates being touched, let alone touching a glitch again!
So Jax quickly backed off from her then started to run off while glitching badly
"W-wait! Where are you going?!" Pomni asked but couldn't catch after him because he was too fast
I hope it somehow worked.. She thought then she just sat down while staring at her glitched hand

Meanwhile, inside the tent.
Abstracted Jax landed his eyes on the wandering gloinks
The gloinks then started leading abstracted Jax towards their den and when they appeared, he saw the sight of the Gloink Queen
"Blegh! I'm not gonna deal with this again!" The gloink queen shrieked
When Jax is about to launch at her, he was stopped by a scream of Kinger from behind
Jax turned around to see him standing there alone

"JAX! Wanna see my insect collection?" Kinger asked then showed Jax some insects that was in his hands
Jax just growled at this then started to walk slowly towards Kinger
"Oh.. I guess not" Kinger stated then kept the insects somewhere randomly
"Well, I just wanna say.. That uh.. As being the oldest one here, doesn't mean I'm crazy at all! I just get easily be frightened at times..
And you're cool Jax, actually.
I've been just observing you all here for I don't know...centuries" Kinger explained then gulped as he noticed how close is Jax to him now and he was now also shaking in fear

"Eugh! So much drama" the Gloink Queen disgusted but the two just ignored her
Kinger started to look around and noticed something
Oh! There it is
He grabbed the bowling ball then showed it to Jax
"Well ain't it funny for you for throwing this to us that one day when we were rescuing Zooble?" Kinger protested
"It's also pretty heavy and still looks good of course because you really took good care of it and also decided to keep it on Kaufmo for him to have 'extra' company"

"B-but actually, I j-just want you t-to know t-that we're g-good in terms at all! This were the p-place w-where we first m-met actually, y-yes?" Kinger finished and started stuttering when Jax was now inch closer to him and Kinger has no any other way out
"Um... Do you want more insect to prank Ragatha..?" Kinger asked, believing it'll be his final words until Jax started glitching so badly and started to back off, leaving big space between him and Kinger
Kinger was relieved then slowly sat down with his back sticking to the wall
I hope we're almost there, I wanna go back to my fortress.. Kinger thought while watching Jax started to ran off, leaving the place
Another sign that he recognized someone

Later, Jax was now weakly walking through the hallway of their chambers
That noise... he's here.. Gangle thought as she was already inside of Jax's room
She was lucky that his room wasn't locked at all
Gangle slowly opened the door with creaky noise to see where he is now but to her surprise, he was already infront of the doorway staring at her
"EEP!" Gangle squaked when Jax growled at her and led him inside so the two of them are now inside the room

"J-Jax, it's me G-Gangle
I know you're there-" Gangle started but she was suddenly cut off by Jax growling at her
"I-I know I'm not supposed to be in your room! No one were if that's what you mean! But this is the only time, we always needed you Jax and right now... We're doing our best to get you back because we're friends! WE CARE!" She exclaimed, putting her ribbon hands infront of her as a shield
"Even when I'm the one who you hated the most since you kept messing me up but... I never hated you at all! Sure I really look ridiculous in your eyes but... I don't care, the most important is you enjoy, we enjoy and have fun together even if you're the only one who get your fun, but that's not the point! Deep inside we do care and please understand Jax.." She added then muttered the last part

Something was not right, sure Jax was now glitching so bad but unlike with the others, Jax still doesn't feel something or recognize Gangle as he kept walking closer towards her until there was now other way for Gangle to escape
"Jax...?" She asked, unsure
Maybe that wasn't enough, um...
He thoughts then suddenly got interrupted by Caine who was floating outside the door
"Jax! Don't u dare move any closer towards her"
"Caine..? Wait, why are you here? No...don't put Jax away please I beg you!" Gangle cried out
"Gangle there you are! Don't worry, we're here now!" Ragatha exclaimed then the others started to show up as well
"Guys..." Gangle happily muttered
Jax then started growling at them then launched towards them
"Woah!" Caine exclaimed

All of them are now outside the room and at the big hallway
"Okay, I never seen him glitching so bad before, maybe our plan just made it worse" Zooble stated
"No, it's working actually, just missing some pieces of words" Caine stated
"Look at him, he's getting weak! Maybe Zooble is right, we just made it worse!" Pomni yelled out, worried at her friend's condition
Jax launched forward at them again but they kept dodging very well
"Okay Jax, I understand your feeling about not wanting to leave the place, I'm sorry if you misunderstood our thoughts somehow!" Gangle exclaimed
"What are you talking about?" Zooble asked
"Not wanting to leave the place... It doesn't make any sense!
Wait...maybe it does make sense at all.." Pomni stated
"Look Jax, I'm sorry, there's also something I didn't tell you yet!" Caine finally said as everyone stopped to their tracks and turned to face him

"Yeah better be, you two been keeping secrets from us!" Zooble grumbled
"Jax... You all can actually get out of here remembering everything
Means when you get out, you remember your life in real world then didn't forget your life here in digital world at all" Caine calmly explained getting to the point, though there's part of him that he still regrets revealing it
Jax's abstraction and glitching started to get worser as he was also groaning in pain
"J-Jax! Hang on!" Gangle exclaimed as all of them quickly gathered around Jax

With just a glimpse of seconds
Some dark colorful oozes started to melt and revealed a fragile looking Jax who was standing and still holding something in his hand
"Jax!" Everyone happily cried out
Suddenly... Jax collapsed on the floor, dropping the key off of his hand next to him
"Oh no Jax!" Ragatha worriedly rushed more closer to Jax as all of them are now beside Jax
"Oh, he really did have the key" Zooble stated
But how are we so sure that the right key.. They thought
"Caine! Heal him please!" Gangle begged who was holding Jax's other hand

Caine then started healing him but seems like it doesn't work at all
"Do we have a heartbeat here in this world?" Pomni asked
"Actually, this is the first time happened... I don't know how to deal with this now but we actually never die in this world or get hurt at all!" Caine stated who was now confused
"Caine.. About you said earlier.. Was it true? And how are you so sure?" Zooble asked
"That we all can actually leave while remembering everything" Zooble bluntly repeated
"Yeah Caine, how is that?" Pomni suspiciously asked
Caine just sighed in defeat

"I guess it is really time...
Everyone... I want you to meet Abelle"

"What About Me.." - Jax Angst (TADC Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now