#19: Wait.. WHAT?!

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(you can think anything of her appearance, she's just an oc of course)

3rd Person's POV

"Abelle... I kinda felt deja vu..Who is she?" Pomni asked
There stood Abelle beside Caine
"I'm Abelle.. one of the developers of this Digital World or this program. I'm here for everyone, and it's also finally the time to explain everything so listen well.." Abelle explained as she walked closer to Jax who was being held by Ragatha and Gangle being beside him
"The program is all finally fixed and successful just now. I told Caine to entrust the exit key to Jax and don't tell any secrets yet if there'll be any consequences of getting out... which is nothing at all. If u all get out, everything is actually fine.
Oh and about Jax's memory... I programmed it to make him the only one to remember later on" Abelle stopped, clearly wanting anyone to object, luckily, it was Ragatha

"Then why?? Like everything, made us stuck here for centuries, making us suffer from boredom, etc, just why???"
"The real world wasn't that stable. If you would get back there, I promise you that you'll understand more. And why Jax the only one? Well.. He would easily get the main point of being here in the first place" Abelle answered
"So are you sure you guys are ready to get out of here now?" She added
The others thought for a while
Caine's just playing with his fingers, looking down, ready to cry

"Yes" all of them answered in sync which made Abelle surprised
"Of course, you guys can even go back here whenever you like for the lil buddy here not to be lonely at all"
Caine's eyes sparkled as he looked up, all beaming but he do sure hope so that they'll be back to visit him and everything
"Oh I'm not totally sure of going back here" Zooble grumbled
"I hope there's more insect in the real world for my collections" Kinger stated

"Alright, let's get into it.." Abelle muttered then kneeled down and touched Jax's forehead then retrieved her hand seconds later
They watched as what did her hand even do to Jax until Jax finally started moving again

Jax's POV

Everything was dark, and my head hurts a little. I squinted my eyes then opened them only to be meet by the bright light. "Jax!" Someone exclaimed, the voice was blur so I couldn't recognize whose voice was it yet
I blinked my eyes thrice to adjust the brightness until I finally clearly saw everyone staring down at me
I quickly sat up which made me dizzy a bit then grabbed the key that was next to me, I'm still surprised how no one took the key yet
"Speak of the devil" Zooble said
"You're finally awake! Yey! I thought we'd lost you!" Gangle exclaimed then embraced me, I can feel her started tearing up, I just hugged back... confused until I suddenly noticed someone new and unfamiliar
We shared eye contact

"Hi Jax... How have you been, darling?" She asked
That voice... it's so fuckin familiar that I couldn't really tell who...
I'm still staring at her, dumbfounded, hard to recognize her at all but she's so familiar!
"We're glad you're finally awake Jax!, but why are you staring at her like that?" Ragatha asked, staring at me then to the woman then to me again
The woman chuckled and talked again

"You might've not recognized me yet but we're the only ones who's very close at each other... Did you enjoy well like what I've told you?" She calmly asked
That's when it hit me
That voice belonged to one and only... Abelle..
AKA my mom

I slowly stood up, tears started to form my eyes
"Jax..? What's wrong?" Gangle asked as her and Ragatha stood up as well
My mom then opened up her arms
"Cmere darling, give mommy a hug" she calmly told me
Everyone except Caine gasped in surprise
"Mom????" Pomni exclaimed
"He's your son?!" Ragatha added
"AAAAAGGHH!" Kinger randomly screamed

"W-what are you doing here?? W-what a-about the consequences?? Wh-at about-!" I started asking random questions as I really need answers right now!
But I suddenly got interrupted by mom giving me an embrace but I don't hug her back yet
"Sshh, it's alright, everything's fine now.. You don't need to worry, no consequences at all. Remember my promise to you? I already did it, everything's fixed now so... sshh" She kindly assured me while rubbing my back to make me relax

Still... I couldn't believe it... My friends helping me go back and mom being here..? It's like I'm being the burden one here! It's humiliating! But... Shouldn't I be thankful..? After all those years, my friends actually cared for me and the program is finally successful..?
I carefully let go from her grip then clenched my fists with disbelief being plastered on my face
My mom noticed my reaction to she tried to touch me again until I quickly back away from her

"How are you guys still with me.. You all should've left me alone by now!" I yelled
"Jax... We've been through this-" Pomni calmly said but I cut here off "NO! I obviously hurt you all! Made you suffer a lot-"
Again.. I was interrupted but with Ragatha and Gangle hugging me
"We already forgave you alright, and it's already on the past, forget about it" Ragatha calmly said
"Yeah Jax, we love you like what friends really do, even best friends!" Gangle exclaimed

I started tearing up, not with grief but happiness.. I quickly covered my face with my hands and still continued on crying
"Jax.. We're sorry if we made you upset.." Gangle muttered
"N-no *hic* I'm f-fine.." I cried out
"Oh come on now hun, don't be shy" I heard mom said then I'm sure she's the one who also hugged me
I then felt everyone started joining the hug as well. I opened my eyes then wiped my tears to see it was clearly everyone.
Oh how I really appreciate them... Really.. I want this to never end actually... All these joy and comfort, I want them to never end..

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