#9: Lost? no, Trauma? yes

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Today is another day and another adventure..
All of us are now together at the main hall waiting for Caine to announce his little adventure
I noticed Gangle kept glancing on me which is making me uncomfortable
Why can't she just talk to me about it or something
I bet it's about yesterday
"So everyone! For today's amazing adventure isssss.. " Caine excitedly trailed
"Find the golden corn!" He finished
My ears dropped as my eyes widened in shock
As if my life stopped for a moment
I wasn't expecting that and I never did
Oh fuck.. They're gonna know my weakness.. No no no... This can't be happening, I can't let them know! Specially Caine, he will still tell them! They will take it as an opportunity or advantage to get to me... No no no...

"Hm, what's up with you?" Zooble suddenly asked, snapping me back to reality as I started to act normal like nothing is really wrong
"Heh, minding other's business, are we now, Zooble?" I said, grinning at them
"Tsk, whatever" they grumbled
Okay Jax, just act cool... You'll be fine..
".... So which partners who got the golden corn first, you'll have an awesome price! Goodluck!" Caine exclaimed
"Wait, Caine" I said
"This adventure is the most boring one I've ever heard, can you change it to another? Something more exciting?" I asked
"But Jax, we haven't even see if it's really boring, I think you were always bored in most of our adventures" Gangle stated
"Always? I enjoyed most of our adventures, darling, duh!" I exclaimed

"Well then I'll just make sure you all will enjoy this one! Specially you'll be the ones to choose your own partners!" Caine exclaimed as he teleported us to a digital farm full of corns
I started trembling but trying hard not to
Those tall g-grasses.. C-corns..
I gulped and still thankful no one noticing I'm scared and Gangle moved her gaze to Caine for a while
"You may now choose your partner!" Caine exclaimed
Tsk, as if anyone would like to choose me
I crossed my arms as I was about to choose Gangle to be my partner but she already had Ragatha
Kinger had Zooble, so which means... No...
I got Pomni... Ugh, why her?!

"Well, we unexpectedly became partners to this one.." Pomni muttered
"Yey..." I sarcastically cheered
"Well my amazing superstars, you may go now and start finding the golden corn! Mwahahaha hahahaha!" Caine exclaimed as he started maniacally
What a weirdo
The others then started to enter the farm... the tall grasses
I'm still having second thoughts wether to go or not..
"Jax, what are you still doing? Come on now, do you want us to lose??" Pomni asked
"Funny how you focus on winning, kid" I stated
"Well this is the least fun I can do unlike you!" She said
"Like what I've mentioned before, this is boring, I'm not coming" I simply said
"Too bad, Caine mentioned that it's invalid to not be with your partner so don't also let me find that corn alone!" She complaint
Ugh what an annoying brat
"You should've picked the others quicker then!" I argued
"Come on fellas, the time is running" Caine stated as he gestured his hands on his watch
I sighed as I have no other choice but to go with Pomni

Minutes later...
Me and Pomni are now at the middle of corn field
It's like we've been walking for hours
"Can you help me touch the corns at least??" Pomni asked
"Sorry but I'll pass, it's too dirty for me" I dramatically said
"Oh come on! We could've found it by now" she grumbled
"Oh shame on YOU~" I sarcastically told her
"I don't get why you're really like that at all" she muttered as we proceed to walk off while looking around
"Like what? Cool? Awesome? Unpredictable? You should be more specific so that-" I justified until she was not with me anymore
I started to look around very fast, looking for her more and more deeper but no sign of her at all
These tall grasses are the worst
No no no... She left me?? What about the being together thing???

Pomni's POV

While Jax is busy talking, I took the opportunity to run and leave him to serve as my revenge
Leaving him alone ain't that bad
Being lost? Hmph, that's my revenge, or me and my friends' revenge hahahaha!
While running, I suddenly bumped into Zooble as I accidentally scattered them around
"Augh! What the-?"
"AAAAHH!" Kinger suddenly screamed
"O-oh I'm sorry Zooble! I didn't mean to!" I exclaimed as I started collecting their pieces and also helped them to be whole again
"It's fine dear, why were you here actually? Aren't u supposed to be with your partner?" They asked
"Oooh! Another insect!" Kinger happily yelled as he bent on the ground
"Well... I left him on purpose" I simply answered
They were surprised
"Hah, not bad, nice one" they said as they pat my shoulder which made me flinch a bit
"I hope he'll still be fine out there all alone" I said
"Psh, you know him, he'll be fine" they muttered
"Hehehe.. Btw, have you found the corn yet?" I asked
"We would've been not here anymore if we found it" Zooble stated
"Oh yeah, you have a point"

3rd Person POV

Jax started to panic
He ran off everywhere and still no sign of "friends" or anyone
He called out Caine and even the others many times but no one could hear him, least that's what he knows
He hit his own head many times with his hand, he run and run and run, smacking the tall grasses off of his way.. until he tripped over then sat up and hugged his knees
He was surrounded by tall grasses with corns in it
His own nightmares
"A-anyone... please..." He then started muttering some words while trying not to cry

Meanwhile, the others unexpectedly found each others except for Jax and still haven't found the "golden corn"
"Pomni, where's Jax? Isn't he your partner?" Ragatha asked
"I.... Uh... "
"She lost him" Zooble answered her instead
"You what?!" Ragatha exclaimed
"Serves him right, right?" Zooble asked
"Well... I hope he won't get lost into the field.." Gangle muttered
"Then why no signs of him yet?" Kinger asked
"Oh now speaking of Jax, I heard someone yelling earlier" Kinger added
"You heard that too?" Pomni asked
"I thought it was someone you guys" Gangle said
"Not me" Zooble said
"Not me either and not Kinger as well since he was with us" Pomni said
"Not me and Gangle either" Ragatha muttered

They all blinked twice before realizing it
"So it's him??" Zooble asked
"H-h-he's lost??" Gangle stuttered
"Psshh he can't be lost, I mean, you know him" Ragatha said
"See, Ragatha says so" Zooble said
"What if... He's really lost..
What have I done..?" Pomni muttered as she started to get anxious
"I-it's fine dear, you just gave him a lesson or something fair, but he'll be fine" Ragatha calmly said trying to cheer Pomni
"Let's go find him instead.." Gangle muttered

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