#4: Gloink Queen, I'm gender equality

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I'm now at the den of the Gloink Queen underground and I'm also sure no one would bother to follow me down here
I'm sitting right infront of this giant worm playing uno cards with them and I'm absolutely sure that I'm gonna win now since we've been playing for minutes now
It's not the big worm who's playing, it's her little gloinks instead
I then sensed there's a gloink behind me so I quickly covered my cards
"Hey, you know it's against the rules of the game!" I told the gloink that was peaking behind me, they just went back to their side
But then when I looked back, my cards are already got scattered as well as their cards
"Forget it, playing with you guys sucks" I grumbled then crossed my arms
"Hah! You're just complaining because you lost!" The Gloink Queen exclaimed
"None of us lost, dum dum
Not even a win" I groaned
"So now it's time for you to leave my royal nest" she stated
So you just want me to leave? Now that's rude
"Say, how much knowledge do you have in this digital world?" I asked
"Everything!" She exclaimed
"Oh really? What was the name of the newbie?" I asked
"Uh.. I think it was Poinki" she answered as I just facepalmed

I know it's these little gloinks of her helps her gather some knowledge in this digital world, so.. make sense
And I still haven't saw her go out yet from this nest of her
"Why not go out see the world yourself?" I asked
"I don't wanna and it's none of your business" she answered
"Heh, you're just too fat and lazy to do so" I mockingly said
"You're mouth is so despicable, get him out of here!" She yelled as her gloinks started to gather around me
"Hey, come on now, I'm just saying, and don't you guys ever touch me or else!" I yelled as they stopped coming to me
"You're just a despicable selfish rabbitoid who's just enjoying watching his friends suffer until they reach into their breaking point and a good for nothing one" the Gloink Queen said as I was really shock to hear that

"What. Did. You. just said?" I asked starting to get angry for the first time
Of course it gets into me, even if it's just a joke, it'll offend me
"What? Ain't that true?" She said
"You don't know anything and take back what you just said!" I yelled as I started throwing her the gloinks
"Hey! Ugh, stop it! Ow, why you! ow Hey!" She stuttered
"Give me good reason to stop!" I yelled while still throwing her gloinks at her until I have no gloinks left to throw at her
Ugh, damn bitch
"I'm not done with you, ugly giant worm, you're lucky this time" I said as I started to walk off, going back above
"You really are a disgrace!" She yelled from behind as I stepped into the escalator
Am I really that selfish..? I don't mean to watch them suffer... I mean, heck I'm even getting frightened of how they just easily give up and get abstracted
Caine's still... Figuring out how to bring them all back..
Sigh, I'm doing this to them not for my selfish act but for them to learn and realize how to be independently brave alone
I don't want them to feel the pain I just experienced..
My pranks and jokes are the only fun to do for me and none of my "friends" of course even get nor like me because of that

After I got out
Everyone was already on the table eating their foods
Wow, no one really even bothered to find me or call me
I then approached them
"Wow, thank you for not inviting me to join you for our noon bites, great, I really am glad" I sarcastically said
"Well, good for you" Zooble said
I'm not even sure if they get me or something
No one even bother to comment anymore and I'm sure Caine's already gone, busy with his stuffs again
"Heh, forget it, I'm not even hungry" I said as I started to walk off
"Wait, I actually asked Caine to serve a food for you if you ever show up, which you did. It's your favorite, spaghetti" Ragatha said while showing me my food that was on my seat
I stared at it for a while
Oh Rags...you really do mind..

Then finally went to my seat
"Maybe Zooble spit on it" I jokingly said then giggled
"$@#& off" Zooble commented
"See, that's more like it, Ragdoll's more considerate than you guys" I playfully stated
"Shut up and just eat now, Jax" Ragatha said

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