#15: How could you??

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3rd Person's POV

He's becoming crazy, this is my fault again... I let my emotions get over me.. More like my anger issues.. Pomni thought
"Key? You're bluffing right, Jax..?" Ragatha asked, clearly unamused
"Jax... Ragatha, I'm sorry, this is my fault that he's becoming... out of his mind-" Pomni tried to assure but Jax cut her off
"But aren't you the one who kept asking me for the real exit key?~
Well, there you go, I finally told you the truth"
Pomni glared at him
"As much as I want to believe that you're not bluffing anymore... The jokes you put on me made me hardly to believe that you really have the KEY!" Pomni yelled
"It's just you guys... You never believed in me" Jax said the last part in a darker tone which is unusual
Their eyes widened in shock to see Jax started glitching, it's a first step to abstraction

"J-Jax, listen carefully to us-" Ragatha tried to calm him down, showing up her palms but Jax quickly interrupted her
"I'm done listening to your bullshits!" Jax yelled as half of his body become to abstract
The two started to back away
"J-Jax! S-snap out of it!" Pomni exclaimed
Shit... This will get worse if he just won't listen to us.. Ragatha thought
Those positive words of them won't work on me anymore, specially those "cheer ups" Jax thought

Gangle's POV

Been a while after I run to find Caine... I've been yelling but he just won't show up yet
Zooble was with me because they said that they don't wanna watch the nonsense fight of our other friends, and they also willing to help me to find Caine
"What about we go to his fav spots instead?" Zooble suggested
I just nodded then went to the first spot which is outside the tent then to the cliff where he usually chat with Moon
Luckily, he was there, maybe the whole time as we approached him
"Caine!" I called out as Caine suddenly flinched in surprise
"GAH! My super stars! What are you doing here?" He asked
"We've been calling out for you, seems like you really don't have any ears at all" Zooble grumbled as they crossed their arms
Caine just shyly rubbed his arm
We don't have much time, we need to be quick..
"Caine, we need your help!" I exclaimed
"Alright then, What can I do for you?" He asked as he leaned closer to me
"Well... It's our friends.. Jax, Pomni, and Ragatha started fighting.. And we must hurry, help them to stop the fight!" I explained

I noticed Caine gulped and started playing with his fingers
"Actually... um..." He muttered hesitantly
Zooble suddenly grunts as if something just hit on them
"Wait a minute.. You already knew what's happening, right?" They asked
Huh, make sense.. since Caine has eyes everywhere, which means he knew everything and what's been happening right now, well... unless if those eyes are closed
"Please be honest, Caine" I told him
"Well... I'm an AI... Another thing I can't do is to lie.." He muttered
"Don't worry love, it's okay, I'll be just right here if you're done with all of your problems with them" Moon calmly said
"I-it's not that! It's just... I'm afraid I can't be of any help right now.. I'm sorry" Caine stated
"But why?? You always help us but why now??" I asked, confused
"Are you powerless right now or something?" Zooble asked, clearly annoyed
"Caine! Please! We need to hurry before their fight becomes a disaster!" I begged

"What do you mean? I'm sure Ragatha can still maintain it" Zooble commented
"I... I can feel it... not this time.." I muttered
There was a long silence for a while until something hit on Zooble again
Well, Zooble can be good at observing so that's why I'm amazed on them sometimes with that instinct on them
"Caine... don't tell me... We're already too late now, right?" Zooble asked
Caine doesn't answer, instead he's just avoiding eye contact
My eyes widened in shock in realization again
"Help us you mother@#$#&!!" Zooble yelled then grabbed Caine and started shaking him
"I just can't right now okay??!!" Caine managed to yell between the shaking as Zooble finally let him go
"JUST WHAT DO U MEAN U CAN'T?? WHYYY?!" Zooble growled
"Z-Zooble, calm down-" I calmly said but they just continued
"We can't rn Gangle, can't u see we're already too late? Caine, just give us good reason why not help us rn?"
"Well.. My stars... You see.. um... hmm..."

"It's not like you've made a deal or a bet with someone lately" Zooble added as Caine started to sweat, getting anxious
I silently gasped

"YOU DID?? OM#G WITH WHOM??" Zooble yelled in surprised which made me flinched a bit
"It was not a bet nor a deal, okay?? And I can't tell you who.." Caine answered
"Caine.. How could you..?" I asked, disapointed
"You're a dead meat Caine... You're a dead meat" Zooble grumbled then ran off, before I follow, I stared at Caine for a while then told him "You should've done better.."

3rd Person's POV

After Zooble and Gangel came back inside the tent, what they saw shocked them
Everything was a mess, it's like before, but this time was way worse
The two started to find their friends but ended up encountering an abstracted Jax
"Who... pray tell, the $#&@ is that?" Zooble asked in shock
Gangle looked closer and could tell it was someone she knew... close one
"Run!!" Zooble yelled as they grabbed Gangle to ran away from that monster
The monster started chasing them as well
Luckily, Ragatha spotted them then grabbed the two to their hiding spot
The two noticed that everyone was there except for Jax
Gangle dropped her comedy mask and started to cry but Pomni covered her mouth so that Jax couldn't hear them
"Ssh... I know... We know..." Pomni whispered as she started to calm Gangle down
Zooble glanced at Kinger to see he was shaking in fear
They couldn't help but to think of a plan. 

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