#7: Revenge my ass

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Third Person POV

Pomni was now calming down after the rocket incident
Ragatha and Gangle are the ones helped her calm down
"It's okay Pomni, just take deep breaths and you'll be fine now" Ragatha said
"What Jax did was another horrible prank.. was that even a prank?" Gangle said
"Thank you guys... actually, I'm fine now, no need to worry about me" Pomni calmly said then stood up
"Imma head back to my room now, to take more rest" she added
Actually, Imma think more ideas to get closer to him - She thought
"Okay dear, we understand, rest well!" Ragatha exclaimed while they're waving goodbyes at Pomni

Pomni entered her room then sighed, she would never give up about leaving the place unlike the others, that's why she will do anything in order for them to leave the hell
She then opened her wardrobe to get her relaxing stuffs until she met an unexpected surprise
The moment she opened the wardrobe, a swarm of confetti bursts out, covering her head to toe. Jax then bursts out laughing, rolling on the floor. He was on Pomni's room the whole time, hiding under the bed after he set up the prank
Pomni was still standing, staring at her wardrobe blankly, she was really surprised as if her soul just left her body, and Jax still laughing on the floor

Seconds later, Pomni regained back as she groaned
"Jax, I can't believe you pulled that off!, now I'm covered in confetti and my room is messy, ugh!"
"Hahaha... You should've seen your own reaction pffftt" Jax laughed
Pomni's just brushing off the confetti off her body
He's really fast, I'm still underestimating him.. Pomni thought
"How long you've been here in my room?" Pomni asked as Jax just shrugged
"Not that long, I guess. I don't count when it comes to fun" Jax stated
"Now you clean this mess, troublemaker!" Pomni yelled
"Nope!" Jax replied then quickly vanished out of her room as he heard her screamed in disbelief from afar, he just chuckled

Days later...
Pomni tried to get her revenge on Jax, pranking him back
She tried many times but none of them worked
Jax was too active to know her plans quickly as if he really can sense them all
Pomni even tried to call help from her friends on pranking Jax, even Caine, but still didn't worked well
Jax was having fun lately, watching them fail to get revenge
At least those kind of revenge ain't that bad for him, so he was fine with that
I really can't believe he's that good... He must have at least one weakness, I swear! And what ever it is.. Pomni thought, getting out of ideas
Wait.. What about I'll sneak on him, then smack him some flour on his face! Haha! Great idea Pomni! Pommi cheered herself as she gleamed on her new idea
Little did she know, Jax was observing her from afar
I wonder what she's thinking right now He thought
Oh well, I'mma have fun with Gangle for a while, Pomni can't even get me, so... Jax thought as he walk off to find Gangle

It didn't took him long to find her
Gangle was sitting on a stage with the others being around, he huffed but still approached Gangle
"Hey crybaby" Jax greeted as Gangle was just shock a bit
"Hi Jax" Gangle greeted back
Jax then sat down beside her
"What ya drawing?" He asked while watching her draw something
Oh no, I hope Jax won't ruin my fun and peace again... Gangle thought
Now what he's up to this time.. Ragatha thought from distance
"I'm drawing our Tent" Gangle answered
"How cute, can you draw me then?" Jax asked
Gangle blushed a bit at the little compliment as she wasn't even sure if he mean it or not
Tbh, her drawings are really cute, I like the talent that she have Jax thought

"O-of course" Gangle said then took out another paper to draw but Jax suddenly took it as well as her pencil
"Hmmm, how about I'll draw you instead" Jax suggested
"Oh, s-sure" Gangle muttered as she was not sure what was going on right now because this is the first time Jax acts this way to her talent to draw
I'm not really that good at drawing that's why I'll try, but I'mma prank her a little, hehehe Jax thought
He then started to draw as she watch, it didn't take long, once he was done, he showed it to her
And it was only her happy face that was on his drawing
"Oh, your drawing is also cute, Jax" Gangle commented while adoring the small drawing of Jax
"Actually, I'm missing some details" He said
"My body right? It's fine Jax, it's already cute-" Gangle tried to compliment but he interrupted her by bringing out a scissor from his pocket

"For awesome details of my masterpiece, of course I'mma need real based art~" Jax playfully said then snipped his scissor twice
Gangle was now trembling of what he's about to do
She really know what he's thinking about
Ragatha then gasped from the distance while watching Jax staring at Gangle while holding a scissor
N-no please.. Gangle thought
Jax then stood up, walking towards her slowly while Gangle also slowly backing away
Okay, that's it Ragatha thought and about to approach them, until she saw Pomni started to sneak behind Jax while holding a bowl of flour that she asked from Caine

Jax still sensed someone from behind him
Pomni quickly jumped towards him but Jax unfortunately ducked to dodge her ambush
Everyone except for Jax was shocked
Pomni smacked Gangle instead, as both Pomni and Gangle fell on the ground with the flour being scattered around
Pomni also accidentally broke Gangle's comedy mask
Shit, Gangle also hates mess on her drawings.. Jax thought
"Now look what you've done!" Ragatha yelled at Jax
They were about to argue again until Gangle started to cry out loud
"I-I'm r-really sorry Gangle! I s-swear I didn't mean it!" Pomni stuttered while trying to calm Gangle down then she glared at Jax
Seriously Pom? You gonna pass the blame on me too?? Jax thought then put his scissor back on his pocket

Gangle.... started to feel off.

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