#6: Pranks on jester

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"You were deceiving us the whole time, Jax?"

"I thought you've changed.. Turns out, you're still a jerk, and will always be a jerk in our life"

"I knew he was good for nothing"

"Jax, how could you..?"

"Guys, please, you don't understand, I'm doing this for us!" I exclaimed but they're still giving me death glares
We were at the middle of the conversations until I heard Caine revealed the truth
The truth that we were 'hiding' the real exit from them
"You mean for YOU?! Shut the nonsense Jax! We're done!" Ragatha yelled as she pushed me which made me drop my ass on the floor
"Give us the key Jax" Pomni said while showing me her palm in front of me, asking me the key
I backed away a little with my ears down
I knew this would happen, I knew this would turn out bad.. That's also what I've been anxious for
"You've already done enough Jax, now GIVE US THE KEY!" Ragatha yelled
"You also don't deserve to come with us" Zooble simply said
You guys just don't understand the consequences..
While still refusing their request, they suddenly attacked me and that's when I woke up

I sat up, breathing harshly, and now trying to relax
It was all a dream...? No, more like a nightmare... but it felt so real..
Hmm.. Ever since Pomni's arrival, I've been having these kinds of dreams... Weird dreams..
There's something about her that I need to be careful of
I sighed and finally relaxed
What a nap
I then stood up then I suddenly heard something from behind, as if they just appeared just now
I knew who it is because this is the first time I encounter one
"Care to join me sky gazing?" I asked and there was a long silence for a while
Ugh, this is so annoying
"I know it's you, jester girl, come out from there"

And finally, she showed up then went beside me
"Having a nice view spying on me, hm?" I teased
"Bold of you to assume I was spying a jerk" she commented
"Oh, ow, ouch, what a pain. Then get out of my sight if you're only here to mess up with my awesomeness~" I cooed as she just rolled her eyes
"I just... want to talk to you" she simply said
Is she gonna talk about the exit again?
"Just... wanna get to know you more" she added
"Oh wanna be close friends with me?" I asked
"Uh.. sort of" she replied
"I'll pass" I simply said as I started to walk off, going back inside the tent
"Wha- but why? Don't you want that?" She asked while following me
I don't really trust her yet.. And this is the first time someone ask to be friends with me..
Why her?? She seems, off
"Not interested, kid" I simply answered
"Stop calling me that, ain't that exciting? I'll be the first!" She exclaimed
Since when did she had interest on getting close to me
"You seem lonely so-"
"You're talking to the wrong person, get lost kid" I interrupted
I ain't that lonely, do I look like a lonely person who is absolutely having fun with my friends? Well.. They're my friends but they don't see me as one

"I'll never gonna stop annoying you until we'll get to know each other more!" She dared
Oh, is that a challenge? Interesting
I stopped then faced her which she suddenly bumped on me and fell on the ground
"Heh, try me, if you really dare" I said while grinning at her
"Oh I will alright!" She exclaimed as she stood up
I then grabbed a small rocket from my pocket then said "Can you hold this for a while?", she then looked confused at first
"Let me guess, you're gonna fly me off? I don't think so" She smugly said
What a smartass
"How will you fly if I don't have a match to fire this rocket? I just want you to hold this because I'm getting my other stuffs from my pocket" I explained without any suspicion, she just accepted it "uh... sure"
"Just hold it for a while, dear, alright?" I said then turned around for a while, measuring the inside of the tent then took out my leash from my pocket

"What are you doing? What are you gonna do?? Blow up the tent?!" Pomni asked, starting to panic
Her asking questions is the most annoying one
"Just watch and learn, kid" I said then chuckled, I was just buying time... The rocket that she was holding doesn't need any match to fire it up, it has a timer instead
I backed away a little from her
"Now, I releash you from the ground to show you around!" I happily exclaimed then made her wear the leash that I was holding

"Wha-? AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" She screamed as she suddenly flew up with the rocket she was holding
Heh, I don't know if she'll ever get use of my silly pranks
That won't hurt if she's not dumb, since I gave her the leash to survive somewhere... at least.. or.. no..
Mehh, she'll be fine
Yeah I believe in her
"Jax? What was that noise? And have you seen Pomni?" Ragatha asked as she walked to me, Gangle was following from behind
"Nope, I haven't seen her, why don't you look at the sky and say goodbye?" I said, crossing my arms while still smiling
They seem confused then really did looked above
There, Pomni was flying around with the rocket and I can hear her still screaming
Both of them was flabbergasted
"POMNI?!" Both of them screamed
"J-Jax! Help her, now!" Ragatha anxiously said
"Uughh, she'll be fiiineeee" I playfully whined
"That's so dangerous.." Gangle muttered
"That prank ain't funny! Specially for her! She'll be traumatized!" Ragatha yelled
"Trauma doesn't exist in this world, dollface, deal with it" I simply said
Or... at least, for them..
"Let's just ask Caine instead.. " Gangle told Ragatha
"You're right, let's go call him out" Ragatha commented as they started to walk of
Ugh, they always go, Caine Caine Caine
"Oh no, Caine help me! Caine help us!" Bullshit
I rolled my eyes then still enjoying the view of Pomni flying around the inside of the Tent

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