#12: How I got here?

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Day 3, today is the day I'll tell Gangle a secret of mine... and she did came back, sat down behind the door, and ready to listen
"Heh, I remember everything crybaby.." I trailed
"You mean... your memories in real world? And who you really are?" She asked
"Yes" I simply answered
"Wow... That's amazing, how'd you do it?" She asked

"That's what I don't know, I'm still figuring it out since the last 2 days.."

"Oh, so that's why you've been staying here in your room?"

"Sort of. About why I was afraid of corns and why it reminded me of the farm? Well.. "


"Because in real world, my parents have rich business. My dad as farmer while my mom... Works at this company called C&A and this game was one of their unfinished works.."

"This digital world..?"

"Of course, what else I'm talking about? Anyways.. Me and my dad aren't really in good terms...
He always punish me for being a "kid" all the time, I mean.. I was still a kid those times. One night, I was lost in the middle of the corn field with my rabbit pet in my arms, it was dark so the corns in my vision are like creepy sneaking eyes everywhere.
I was lost because my dad's gonna punish me again that's why I ran away.."

"Oh you... poor thing... What about your mom?"

"She's always busy at work, barely come home but we're good in terms. So yeah, that night... My dad unexpectedly found me and took my rabbit from my arms instead then.... then..."


I took a deep breath then sighed..
"I was forced to watch my pet being murdered in front of me... My dad killed my p-pet rabbit with c-corn.." I muttered and about to cry
That pet of mine was so dear to me and it was a gift from my mom..
"Jax... if it's okay to you, can you open the door so that-"

"N-no *sniff* I-I'm good, just stay there"

"Thank you for letting me know Jax and I also appreciate that you shared them.."

Should I also tell her that I have keys everywhere specially the real exit..? Nah... Not now.. I ain't ready for that..

"Yeah, and I'm not done yet"
"Oh, sorry.. just advance-"

"So after of what happened, my mom found me crying a lot then grabbed me back home while dad chasing us, and also throwing us some corns
I don't know what just happened with him, why was he mad at me, what's with the temper, but I don't bother anymore ever since mom and him fight all the time.
So when we got out of the field, mom quickly grabbed me with her inside the car and started driving towards the company where she works. When we finally arrived, she forced me to wear the headset and her last words were "Don't worry about me sweetie and I'm very sorry for everything, I promise you we'll find solution to everything, for now... Just enjoy, love you". I never get the chance to tell her that I love her back and I didn't even know why she brought me there and that's when I suddenly entered this place... First, I don't remember anything, and days have passed, I started to remember all..
That's all, thank you for listening"

"Wow... I really am speechless right now Jax but I'm still sorry for you... You have a horrible past...
Wait, since you remembered all, does that mean we can too? And we also have a chance to finally leave!"

Ugh, here we go again with leaving
"For the last time Gangle, it's pointless! Plus, it's been years you haven't remembered yours yet!"
By mentioning her name, she knew I was serious
"B-but... If we just... believe.."
"Ugh, this is the moment you'll be giving up for the first time, determination doesn't work here. Everything is pointless in this world but fascinating, full of fun than the real world" I explained
"Okay..." She muttered

"Believe me, you won't like the real world at all, even if there was someone waiting for you, you'll still die and never gonna come back, you only live once there and full of pressure. Unlike here, you never die and with never ending fun!" I exclaimed
"*sigh* thank you again Jax..." She muttered as she finally left
She doesn't believe me with that..
Real world sucks... But.. I'm still wondering how is mom doing... To be honest.. I wanna go back for her but I'm still not ready to face the real world as well as the consequences..
What should I do...

"What About Me.." - Jax Angst (TADC Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now