#3: Fish

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Minutes later..
Me and the others are still fishing and I'm really starting to get bored right now
"Caine, is there really a biggest fish or you're just playing lies with us?" I frustratingly asked
"Now now, don't ruin the fun, I'm sure the fish is just in.. more depth part of the water" Caine stated
I looked at the others to see they've caught some small fishes that was on their buckets
I sighed then just went beside Pomni the newbie, where she's alone on her position
Cuz, Ragatha is helping Gangle fish on the other side of the lake, while Zooble watching Kinger taking care of the insects and Caine just...floating above us the usual
She took a quick glance at me before glancing back at the lake
"So... Pomni huh?" I asked, tryna get her attention
"Yeah.. And you're Jax" she replied, not taking her eyes off on the lake
Once she'll get used to us, it'll be more fun for me to make fun with her
"Mhm, the one and only" I proudly said
"Say... you've mentioned before that you have keys everywhere.." She trailed
"Yeah? You want a spare key to your room? Don't worry I'll-" I said but she suddenly interrupted
"Do you have a key to the real exit by any chance?"
Okay, she still won't stop thinking about the exit
Wait..."real exit"? Did she already realized that the exit where she went wasn't the real one?
"Pomni, kid. Of course I don't, because if I would ever had, or if there's such thing as a real exit, like I've said before... we would've left by now" I lied

"So... there's really no chance for us on getting out of here huh?" She muttered as I slowly pushed the bucket to let go of the fishes she just caught
"Eehh??" She questioned while suspiciously staring at me
"Oops, the fishes are just too strong and clumsy to be free" I playfully lied
"Jax, it was obviously your doing" Ragatha said from behind which made me flinched a bit
Gosh, since when did she got behind us and my ears didn't even sensed her presence
I then stood up and put my arm around her shoulder, though I still have to bend on her height
"Awww, how cute that dollface wants to seek justice, but what about the poor fishes?~" I mockingly said then lightly booped her nose
"Ugh, get off me Jax" she said as I let go of her
"Uhh guys... a little help here?" Pomni suddenly said
We looked at her to see she was struggling with her fishing rod
"Heh, the kid here can't catch fish anymore" I stated
"I don't think that's it.." Ragatha muttered as she went beside Pomni

"OMG GUYS! Pomni got the biggest fish! Jax, quick! Toss us the big fishing rod!" Ragatha exclaimed
Ugh, I hate being told what to do
"Is it the one?! This is exciting, isn't it Bubble?" Caine excitedly asked as everyone suddenly gathered around
"Sure it is Caine!" Bubble answered
"Hey crybaby, take the big fishing rod with them" I told Gangle then tossed her the fishing rod as she yelped
"Jax!" Ragatha yelled, I just rolled my eyes
"The big rod is already there, you're welcome, now Imma just stand here to watch you how you will do it" I happily said
"That's not how teamwork work, Jax" Gangle muttered
"Oh shut up crybaby" I said
They then started using the big rod to catch the biggest fish
"Just hang on!!" Ragatha exclaimed while all of them started pulling it
My ear suddenly twitched then looked closer to the water to see the sharp tails friskily moving up
It has sharp parts??
I quickly ran towards them then grabbed them down and I also ducked to dodge the incoming attack
Yeah we're still gonna be fine after getting hurt but I don't want them being that hurt, more like I don't like watching someone getting physically....aggressively got hurt, especially there's still a newbie here to witness

I then let go of them as they started to get mad at me while still holding onto the rod
"What was that for Jax?!" Ragatha angrily asked
"You almost drowned us you $@#&!" Zooble yelled
Yeah, I'm used to their nonsense complaints, so..
I'm just grinning at them then finally helped them catch the fish
We successfully caught the fish as they were now gaining back their strengths
"Well, ain't that fun?" I asked
"@$#& you" Zooble grumbled then started to walk off
"Are you two okay?" Ragatha asked Pomni and Gangle
Kinger was just fine tho, staring at the big fish
"Would you look at that! You successfully caught the biggest fish! Well done!" Caine happily exclaimed
"What's next, giant fish?" I playfully asked
"Absolutely not!" Zooble yelled
"You didn't even helped that much" Gangle sadly said
Oof, I may have dropped her comedy mask again, but I didn't mean it this time
"At least I still helped you" I argued

"Well everyone, since the adventure is over, time to go back to our tent now!" Caine said then teleported us back to the tent
"Nooooo my insect collection!" Kinger screamed
"What about the fish?" Pomni asked
"Since the adventure was success, I brought it back to the lake" Caine answered
"Haha, nice idea Caine, see, I told you fish's life matters" I said while smiling at Ragatha
She just facepalmed
"So what are we gonna do now, Caine?" I added
"Well... It's time to take your time to hang out with each other! Ain't that right Bubble?" Caine said as Bubble suddenly appeared
"That's right Caine!" Bubble agreed
"It's also for dear Pomni here, who is a newbie to get to know you guys more! So have fun!" Caine exclaimed then magically disappeared with Bubble
"It's still fine, as long as Jax is not with us, we already know him, I'm sure Pomni here already know him" Zooble stated
Sheesh, their grudge on me is getting worse, am I really getting into their nonexistent nerves that much?
"Come oonnn, how are you sure that the newbie kid here already know me? Huhh?" I asked
"First of all, I'm not a kid" Pomni muttered
"Oh yeah? How?" I asked
"Well... I don't know, I'm not sure" she answered
Heh, told ya

"Is he always like that? That attitude?" I heard Pomni asked Ragatha as I just crossed my arms while staring at them
"Well yeah, that's why we don't tolerate him, just look at what he did to us when were catching the big fish... and we also don't hang out with him that much" Ragatha said while narrowing her eye at me
"Whatever you say, beautiful" I playfully said
"And don't trust him that much" Zooble added
"He's a bully" Gangle also added
These guys.. Well, still make sense since I make their lives "miserable"
Not my fault that's who I am now, I easily get bored and they still won't get my point to stay sane
"Okay, wow, that's enough opinions on me suckers, you'll just making the newbie more uncomfortable~" I cooed
"You mean, you? We're making you uncomfortable?" Zooble corrected
"Heh, what can I say? Opinions are opinions. Just word in advice kid, if you don't wish to be like Kaufy, just stop thinking and doing nonsense stuffs, so... see ya around" I stated and started to walk off
"Your pranks are the ones that are nonsense!" I heard Pomni yelled from afar

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