#17: Still failed to be careful

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3rd Person POV

After they went on their separate ways... Ragatha unexpectedly encountered the abstracted Jax on her way to the Digital Carnival
Jax, however, doesn't recognize anyone yet through his abstraction. His form right now also made him more unique, he still can make tricks but more of unfortunate illusions
But the friends are careful because of their obviously weird surroundings

When Ragatha finally entered the digital carnival, she sprinted to a safe spot to hide herself for a while then find some things that would remind Jax
Okay okay, this is it Ragatha... Just calm down and don't panic!
I hope talking to him would work but after what happened between me and Kaufmo... Nevermind that talking plan... Hmm... Ragatha thought with her hand on her chin while panicking a little bit
Jax then suddenly jumped infront of her making her flinch in shock
AAAAAAHHHH" Ragatha screamed as she started to ran off again while Jax chase her from behind

While running, she started talking to Jax anyway about the place where they're in until she find a main clue
"Jax, look. I know you're still there! Just always listen close! Remember this place? This is the place where you asked me to hang out after I just newly arrived in this place to avoid reaching my breaking point!" Ragatha then suddenly got grabbed by the roller coaster
"AAHH! SINCE WHEN THIS THING HAS A HAND!?" she screeched, Jax still following her
Ofc... Jax did this, even the Ferris Wheel isn't on its place, instead it rolls around the carnival Ragatha thought, sighing as she was now in high up then noticed something from below
She squinted her eyes to look more closer at the object until she finally recognized it

"My flower crochet!" She exclaimed which made Jax stopped chasing her then fell down and started shaking his head
At first, Ragatha was confused then she finally got it and found the main clue or a memorable piece
The roller coaster went lower to the ground then Ragatha took it as a chance to jump off and land on the ground
Jax noticed her and started to chase her again
Ragatha panicked then quickly took her flower from the ground and started running again
This time.. She reached the dead end, nowhere to go as Jax was now slowly walking towards her

"J-Jax, I know this isn't the good time but... Remember this flower I made for you??" Ragatha asked while trembling then showed Jax the flower but Jax still kept on walking towards her
She gulped and continued "I made this as a 'thank you, and I'm sorry' after hanging out with you that day and everytime we hang out in this carnival only the two of us. Your feelings and expressions are still genuine that time but misunderstanding happened..
You and me fought.. You assumed I already grew feelings towards you when I gave you this flower even tho we only see each other as bestfriends or whatever!
*sigh* Jax, this is all I'm gonna say..
You're afraid expressing your true feelings and I give you this gift again to show you how much I adore you as a friend. You're one of the best person here, Jax... I mean it"

After letting out those words, abstracted Jax started to act weird
Shaking, glitching, and screeching
Ragatha was also getting uncomfortable
"Jax..? Are you- OOF" she said but suddenly got smacked by Jax, hitting the wall then fell on the ground
This time, Jax recognized her and started running away again then left the digital carnival
"What was that..?" Ragatha asked herself until she noticed half of her body started glitching
"Ugh not again!"

Meanwhile, Jax encountered Zooble, they were only on the grounds or in the grass
"Hi bish, unlucky seeing you here" Zooble stated as the abstracted Jax just growled at them then suddenly launched towards them
"Not so fast. Instead of me falling into your traps, this time it's you and I don't really give a $#&* about everything" they added as Jax then suddenly got tied down with the ropes on the ground
"So, how does that feel? Hm?
Inspired by you btw" Zooble chuckled
Jax started to shake again
"Aww scared? Come on, you're no fun. Isn't this the place where the two of us hang out after I newly arrived? You quickly attacked me with your awful pranks but you were also secretly helping me to not reach my breaking point. But after I got used to everything you do... I don't give a #&$@ anymore so all of us can really do whatever we want here, isn't that right?" Zooble asked then paused for a while and started again
"Oh, also remember the time you asked my gender? You also assume I was a girl because of my voice and you were relieved when the girls won't rule over the place.  Pfft it was really funny when you guys really question my gender but doesn't care anymore when you got used to it which I really appreciate
We may have a same attitude but... We're completely different.
So be a good boy and stop being a damn troublemaker!"
They then started patting Jax, doesn't care if their hand was now glitching

Jax started trembling, glitching, and screeching again as he strongly cut the ropes that restraint him then pushed Zooble aside
That was utterly impossible! Zooble thought while their body pieces got separated again
They then watch Jax running towards the tent
"YOU'RE REALLY GONNA PAY FOR THIS AGAIN, YOU KNOW!" Zooble yelled as half of their pieces was glitching
Ugh... I wonder how is Ragatha, and did we fail..? Seems like it... since Jax only getting worse, I assume. But what just happened tho... I hope the rest will work and be okay.. Zooble thought as they started collect their pieces on their own

Caine then appeared in front of Ragatha then fixed her
"Oh, thanks Caine, btw about-" Ragatha started which only got interrupted by Caine
"Explanations later, dear. Or you may ask Zooble since they're the only one who's available this time to whatever we talked about and I'm sorry for the words you're gonna hear. Toodles!" then vanished to thin air again
That was... something Ragatha thought
Caine fixed Zooble next as Zooble just gave him a glare as Caine vanished again

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