#13: Hide and Seek

807 20 13

Third Person's POV

Everyone's day off is over and Jax finally exited his room as everyone started to wonder about him
Caine on the other hand was still thinking for their new adventure
Look who's finally here Zooble thought
"Jax! You're finally out, you've worried us" Ragatha told Jax as she was about to hug him until Jax simply gestured his arms that he decline, he doesn't like hugs right now
"Oh really? What a shame, cuz I don't really feel it" Jax said then grinned at Zooble as well as Pomni
Both are just confused
"C'mon, don't be like that" Ragatha calmly said
"I can do whatever I want dollface, and Caine, can you just get on with it?" Jax annoyingly said
"Don't worry because I finally had a new adventure in mind!" Caine exclaimed
"It's called.... Hide and Seek!" He added, Jax facepalmed
"Actually... that's a game" Gangle told Caine
"Well as long as it's fun, it's still an adventure!" Caine exclaimed
"Whatever" Zooble grumbled
"I will be the seeker, and whoever I found, they'll be staying on a dark room until I found all of you!" Caine explained as everyone was shocked
"Well well well, now that's interesting hehe" Jax chuckled
"Says the one who got lost" Zooble muttered
"Hey, now that's a different story!" Jax yelled at them

"Caine just hold on a min, let me test something if I was right.." Zooble muttered as it made Jax gulp
Zooble then suddenly threw a corn on Jax saying "Here boy, catch!"
It made Jax jumped on Ragatha in surprised as Ragatha unexpectedly caught him in her arms
"Hah! I knew it" Zooble proudly said then crossed their arms
Jax then blushed from embarrassment then quickly got off from Ragatha
I knew they'll still gonna find out sooner or later Jax angrily thought
"Wait... You were afraid of corns..?" Pomni asked as Gangle just gasped of how they quickly found out
"None of your business, and can we start now Caine??" Jax asked, clearly pissed then aggressively kicked the corn away from the floor
"Alright, I'll temporarily vanish my eyes that was everywhere then only count to 10, you may start hiding now!" Caine exclaimed then flew up and started covering his eyes as everyone quickly scattered to hide


Once the coast is clear, I called Caine to come down here for a sec
"What's up Jax? Aren't you gonna join the party?" Caine confusedly asked
"I just wanna talk to you with something real quick" I said seriously
"Oh I'm all nonexistent ears!" He exclaimed
Imma just get to the point
"If ever I'm abstracted sooner or later... Don't put me into the cellar yet even if there were screams or begs or troubles, because I want to test something..." I trailed
"Oh... What a bizarre request of yours but okay" he anxiously agreed
"How's your work with the abstracted ones?" I asked
Yes I know about his plans to the abstracted ones, he wants them to go back to normal but he still couldn't find a solution of how to bring them back
"Still no luck?" I added as he just awkwardly nodded
I sighed in disappointment then just ran off to hide somewhere because I'm into this adventure

3rd Person POV

Some moments later, Kinger was already found as he was just hiding behind the curtains of the stage and the first one to be in a dark room and he was already screaming right now
The next one was Gangle, she was only found in the painting in one of the hallways, it was unexpectedly obvious to Caine because he memorized everything in the digital world
Next being Zooble, they were found in the room full of puzzles and Caine noticed them moved
Caine is unexpectedly a good seeker to be exact so the 3 of them now are being in a dark room

Jax himself, unexpectedly hides with Pomni and Ragatha inside a big box of one room
"I couldn't believe you stole my secret hiding spot" Jax grinned
"Shut up Jax" Ragatha grumbled
"We found this spot first" Pomni argued
"Heh, I was just kidding, why always take it seriously?" Jax asked
"You are not always funny" Ragatha mumbled, Jax was hurt a bit with those words
"Btw, why are you afraid of corns if it's not rude to ask" Pomni said
"It's definitely rude to ask, Pompom so better watch your words" Jax bluntly said
"Ugh, obviously with your answers.." Pomni grumbled
"Jax, about what happened to you-" Ragatha started but was interrupted by Jax
Ughh this again, dramas..
"Look, it's obviously funny that I don't wanna talk about it"
"I just want to apologize as well, and I'm just as concern as Gangle.." Ragatha calmly told him as he just rolled his eyes on her
"Whatever is going on with you... You can just open up with me, I'll help you freely" Ragatha added and about to hold him with her hands until Jax slap them off

"I never needed your help at all, you weren't there when I needed your help" Jax deeply said as he went out from their hiding spot
"J-Jax, what are you doing?? Come back here!" Ragatha yelled quietly as possible but Jax just ignored her then exited the room
Pomni just closed the door of the box then sighed
"He never changed... did he?" Pomni asked
"Well... He was really kind once but it was a long time ago, but I know he still has it there inside him, just look at what he did to Gangle.. He brought her back from nearly abstraction. He also helped me alot unnoticeable or just realizing it later. Just don't judge him that much okay?" Ragatha kindly said as Pomni just nodded
"I just hope he won't continue that act of his, it's just bad, specially to us" Pomni stated
"I know.."

Meanwhile with Jax, he gave himself up to Caine but before he was sent to a dark room where the three were, he told Caine where the last two was hiding
Caine groaned at his spoiler then sighed in defeat and ended up finding them sooner
No one won
Ragatha and Pomni was questioning themselves how did Caine found them as if they were easy to find, until they suspect Jax as Jax just shrugged
"Damn, the room was really dark, I couldn't see at all" Zooble stated
"Thankfully we were finally out from there" Gangle added
"I would still be glad for you two to stay there, hehe" Jax jokingly said as Ragatha gasped as his statement

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