Chapitre 13

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-What did you do when you were there, during all these hours in the Jeon's pack ??

Hwangshi was wide eyes looking at his son. Because his son was right, how did that information might have slipped his mind ?

-how is it possible we didn't catch this information Yoongi ?? he asked to his son.

Yoongi sighed.

-we were so stressed out to find a good leader for the pack... and the problem is... maybe it's because of Jungkook's father and his madness, but people there are so silent. Like they didn't dare to speak loudly what is in their mind. But now, the more I think about it, the more I feel weird...I mean, I couldn't find what made me feel so...uncomfortable. I thought it was because of the fear people had ; I thought it would go by with time... but maybe it was just because they feared Minju too... oh God, what's wrong with this pack ????

-what could we do now? asked Tae

-I'm afraid there's nothing we can do, son, said his father.

These words made the omega very angry, and he furious asked:

-are you kidding me ?? don't you think people can suffer like that endlessly ? this insanity must stop, dad ! and where are the courage, the bravery, the strength of you, alphas ?? you are useless !

And he stormed out of the room. Once in his room, he threw himself in his bed, screamed and sobbed in his pillow. The young omega was literally overwhelmed, all emotions were shaking in his head, mixed with a feeling of been disillusioned. What could he do if even alphas didn't move a finger ?

Each more day seemed longer than the last, the only positive thing was Minju was too busy in his role of leader to come back to his studies... at least, Taehyung didn't see him anymore...

One day, or more one evening, Taehyung came back home at night, winter was here now, and everything was white. If only the snow could erase all the bad and sad feelings and give birth to another world...

At home, it was always tense between Taehyung and his father. The latter had tried several times to apologize to him, to talk to him, but each time, the only answer he got was a long glance. Hwangshi understood his son's feelings, how couldn't he be so frustrated about all of this? He was sorry for his son, he hurt him without knowing it, he should have found a solution to end this. But the Kim's leader didn't know what to do.

As the winter was now settled, snow and wind freezing every human who dared to go outside, Taehyung came back from a walk. He had hoped that some walk would have helped him to think. Off course it was an acknowledgment of failure...

He welcomed the warm when he came in his house and took off his shoes. He could hear his parents arguing and that was surprising because they didn't used to.

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