Chapitre 17

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Minju was now shaking, the wolf slowly walking to him. The little girl could get away from Minju's grasp, hugging now his mother.

Some people discretely decided to run away from the scene, some others wanted to witness what would happen between the two alphas... a dejà-vu scene, isn't it ??

-what...what are you doing?? Go away!! Go away!! Screamed Minju.

The big wolf was now sat before him, looking at him with angry eyes.

Minju tried to escape but felt on his butt while he was stepping back. Coming to his sense, Taehyung decided to act, he couldn't let this happen again. He knew Jungkook wouldn't handle it.

-Jungkook ! Jungkook !

The young alpha shivered hearing the omega's voice. Slowly, he shook his head. It was hard to not jump to Minju's throat right now, he was so fed up with all this situation !

-Kook, don't do anything please...

Sighting, the wolf shifted and Jungkook in his all glory was still looking at him like he was a disgusting thing. With a look, Hwangshi asked two other alphas to make Minju stead up.

Hwangshi was now beside the young alpha, with clothes in his hands.

-dress up, son.

Without a word, Jungkook complied. He realized then he had to talk to his fellows, he had to take his responsibilities.

The young alpha turned to the crowd once he had dressed up and looked at all the people gathered. Even if they had been just ignored him and his mother, even if some of them had hurt them to swarm up to his father, they deserved a good leader.

-I will take my responsibilities for my crime, I won't run away any longer.

-yeah ! murderer ! you killed your own father !shout someone

Hwangshi didn't believe it, how they dare to put the blame on Jungkook ?

-how dare you ? he asked with a deep alpha voice. What did you do when you knew how bad Jeon hurt his own family ? everybody knew but anyone dared to intervene ! you were too scared to dare to say something !

The alpha looked at the crowd who was silent as ever.

-And I feel shame too, because I knew it was wrong, but I didn't say a word because of the rule "we don't interfere with leader's stuff". Shame on us ! we should have done something to stop Jeon, that's not the way a leader must behave ! a leader is someone who shows the right path, someone who protects his pack, not someone who hurts ! so, yes, he killed his father, but the latter was mad and deserved his punishment because he killed Jungkook's mother and enjoyed doing it ! that's the difference between the son and his father : Jungkook didn't have the choice but kill him because at this moment, it was the only one solution to put an end at this madness ! what would have you done if your leader had killed your only family ? would you have accepted it without saying a word, without doing nothing ?! of course not ! but Jungkook was brave enough to stop his father, you should thank him for that !                                                                                  I will personally take care of Minju, there's nothing much we can do as he was a leader, but we have this old law which he couldn't escape from : if the pack vote against him because of his bad behavior, then he would be banished from this pack, and never be allowed to come back to. If he dares to come back, the death sentence would be applied. As it was a very old law, it didn't occur since a long time ago...

The crowd was now very silent, everyone trying to understand his words.

-is the pack agreed to vote ?

All the adults nodded; it was their chance to get ride of the devil after all.

-so, do you, Jeon's pack, condemned Minju to be banished for ever from your pack ? please, rise your hands if you agree.

All adults rose his hand, and they were looking at each other to see if all the adult's hand were risen high above their heads.

-to be sure, is anyone against this retribution ? no ? nobody ? Then, I, Kim Hwangshi, leader of the Kim pack, confirmed Minju to his judgment and apply it immediately.

With a relieve sigh, the pack looked Minju being brought to a car, with three men around him. Hwangshi talked a little with a fourth man, giving him his order.

The man agreed with a nod of his head and joint the others in the car. All the pack looked at the car which disappeared behind the trees...

As everyone gathered their thoughts, Hwangshi spoke with a deep voice to draw attention :

-so, any candidate to succeed Jeon as the Jeon's leader ? asked the Kim Leader.

A loud silent settled.

-really, no one wants to try to be a good leader ? there is not a single alpha in this pack who dares to candidate ?

As the silent remained, the alpha went on.

-so why not Jungkook ? I know him recently, but I am sure he would be a good leader. Because he cares about you, because he is strong and calm. If you don't want him, find another better leader !

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