Chapitre 30

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It was so obvious, and he scolded himself for his lack of understanding while he apologized with the other men for his hasty departure. The alpha ran to his home, took his shoes off once in the warm room and started to undress while going to his room. What he saw there let him speechless : the poor omega had built a nest with all Jungkook's clothes in the middle of the bed and was in fetal position in his center. Some soft whining could be heard, making the alpha's heart crumble in little pieces. In a flash, the younger was on the bed, caging the poor omega in his arms. Instinctively, the latter stuck in Jungkook's body, and in an instant, the alpha was on top.

-why didn't you tell me, love?

The omega frowned, a little gasp coming out his lips.

-I didn't know... it's my first time... I was so...lost...this morning, all I could think was to gather all your clothes and to immerse myself into it... I needed you so much...

-you should have link me, I would have come immediately... you know how much I love you and all I want his your happiness, love...

They looked at each other, overwhelming by powerful feelings they shared.

Taehyung couldn't help but quiver when he answered.

-I didn't know what to do... I didn't want to annoy you...

Jungkook sighed. This man was incredible. He really thought his husband trust him now, and know he could do anything for him. Seemed he needed work on it more...

-listen, love...

The omega nodded, now unable to speak, tears stinging his poor puffed eyes.

-I am your husband and I will do anything for you. Even die if it's neede...

-noooooooooo !!!! don't say you will die....

The omega was now loudly crying, completely overwhelmed by his strong emotions. He couldn't prevent himself to overreact, it was like all he could do was to "feel" the things, the words, the atmosphere, it was so much to cope. Like he said before, it was his first time to experience this, and it was scary.

-I am scared Kookie, he managed to stutter between his cries.

The alpha left soft kisses on the other's face, trying to sooth his fear, softly rubbing his hip while his other hand was massaging Taehyung's hair. Little by little, the omega calmed down and could breathe easily. The warm of Jungkook's body was so pleasurable that he purred like never before. As minutes went by, the atmosphere became hotter, Jungkook's hand now on the other's thighs, flying up to his sensible nipple, making the poor omega whine more.

-Kook... I need you... please...

-let me take care of you for once... just tell me what you want, and I will do whatever you want me to...

But the older couldn't speak anymore, all focus on what was happening in his body and mind right now : all he wanted was the alpha. So he grabbed Jungkook's neck and kissed him, trying to show him all the love and needs he had for him.

-everything will be fine, love... I will love you all day if you want... don't worry...mmm ?

The poor omega just left a mumble, kissing him with devotion...

This first heat was new for both of them, and Taehyung was so happy to have such a great alpha. As much as they have been intimated before, the alpha always was careful to ensure the omega to feel secure. And now, Taehyung wanted more, he wanted everything from Jungkook.

After one round, the omega found the braveness to tell him, he asked him to not hold himself back. He told him how much different he felt at this moment, like he never felt before, stronger but vulnerable. 

For the first time of his life, Jungkook felt proud of himself, proud to be the man he had become without the help of anyone. Proud to be loved by the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Proud to finally be able to show his lover how much he loved him.

Who could have known one year before how their life would have changed so much ? Love was unexpected, scary some time, but It could make you become the most brave and stronger...

The end...

Perhaps I will continue this story because I love these characters...

Thank you to have been here with me, a new story would show up soon...

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