Now That You're Gone

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~Dominique's POV~

As I watched the tour bus roll by us, i looked at the window to see what's going on. I saw Myles and the boys waving at me. I winded the window down and stuck my head out the window. I blew kisses and waved back. When they were finally out of sight, i just laid my head against the window and fell asleep. I hope he does call me.

Mom: honey we're home.

I peeked outside to see another car beside us. Then a man stood up and hugged my mom and even gave her a peck on the lips. I stared at them as if they had 2 heads.

Dominique: ma who is this.? *looks guy up and down*

Mom: oh Nique Nique this is Brian.

Brian: hey *sticks out hand*

As he stuck out his hand, I looked at it with a stank face.

Dominique: i don't shake stranger's hands.

Mom: Dominique.!

Brian: no she's fine *looking me up and down* and she likes to stand her own ground.

Mom: well come on. let's go in the house.

~Brian's POV~

I watched as Nia and her fine ass daughter walked in front of me. Of course i was staring Dominique's ass down. It looked so juicy i just wanted to grab it.

Nia: um would you like anything to drink, Brian.?

Brian: yea uh do you have any alcohol.? That drive from North Carolina killed me.

Nia: honey that's how far you drove.?

Dominique: wait did you just say honey.? *giving the death glare*

Nia: uh yes why.?

I watched as Dominique stomp upstairs into her room. Ooh she's fiesty. I like that too.

~Dominique's POV~

As soon as I reached my room, i just fell out crying. How could she do that to Dad.? Why did he have to leave.? Why.?!

(2:35 In the Morning)

My phone started ringing i looked at it and it said... Quan. I decided to see what this n*gga wanted.


D: what do you want.?

Q: bae look i'm sorry.

D: sorry doesn't kill the forest fire does it.?

Q: can you come pick me up.?

D: h*ll no.! Not this time of the night.

Q: please.? I got a surprise for you.

D: *sighs* FINE.! If you're not ready, just forget about it and throw it in the trash.

Q: thanks babe i love you.

D: don't count on it.


I put on my black shorts with my black and white Yeezy Taught Me hoodie and my black yellow and white Jordan Spi'zikes and I grabbed my flip phone and was headed downstairs. I threw my hood over my curly hair and grabbed my keys off the key hook.

(A/N: Dominique is driving she just didn't do it earlier. *madea voice* Continurr)

I ran out the door to my beat up 1985 Honda. this car has been through it all. I got in, crank it up, and was soon gone within milliseconds. I called Quan to tell him where I am.

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