I Need You

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I watched as little Courtney looked at me and then at Roc. I started to cry. In the background, the beeping of his ECG monitor showed his stabled heartbeat.

Dominique: baby I'm so sorry. *grabbing his left hand* I do need you .. hell what am I going to do if Courtney grows up and sees that you're not around?? baby please don't leave me. I'm here for you and Nick. I heard Desiree is dead. I don't wanna fuss and fight no more. I just want you to be here for me and your kids and I'll do the same.

His heart monitor broke the silence of death. I kissed his hand.

Roc's POV::

I woke up and everything was white.

???: HEY SON!

The voice sounded like thunder claps. I flinched at the sound of my father's voice.

Roc: dad???

My dad's name is Lorenzo, explaining my middle name (A/N:: i made that up. I don't know his dad's real name)

Lorenzo: yes Chres.

Roc: *hugging Lorenzo* oh dad I missed you so much.

Lorenzo : I missed you too son. she's a keeper.

Roc: dad I love Dominique but I also cheated on her with Desiree.

Lorenzo ; I can't believe you did that ..What were you thinking?!

Roc: dad I was stu-(GCO)

Lorenzo: ya damn right you were stupid. Dominique came back to you after the fact that you went with Desiree. that girl loves you see *pointing to Dominique* she had your beautiful baby. Little Nick is healthy and doing well. listen to her son.

Dominique: *crying* baby please don't leave me...i don't wanna fuss and fight no more... I need you baby. I'm so sorry

Roc: dad I need her too. I really do.

Lorenzo: well show her better than you can tell her, Chres. what would you do if it wasn't you that had memory loss but it was her and she went with her ex?? I know you would kick that nigga's throat in.

Roc: now for sure .. I gotta go back. dad I love you and one day we'll meet again. but hopefully not too soon *laughs nervously*

Lorenzo: I love you too baby boy and hopefully not too soon. or I'll have to put you back in my mailbox with a huge sign that says return to sender *laughing*

While he laughed his voice boomed . I began to see white again. I guess I'm transforming back into my body. I can't wait to see my baby.

-Dominique's POV::

I looked at Roc's scarred face. from the small scar under his left eye (a/n: see how I did that lol) to the bandage over his nose to his busted lip.

Dominique: I love you so much babe and I will never let you go.

I kissed his cheek and laid beside Courtney, resting my head on his shoulder. then his heart monitor started to rise alittle bit and I felt him move. I thought I was hallucinating because of all those damn drugs they gave me. I felt his hand grab my hand. I looked at him and he was smiling at me. in that smile, it showed pain. like a crooked smile.

Dominique : oh baby. I'm sorry for everything I ever said to you.

Roc: baby girl, I would never leave you. even if you told me too and even if I wanted too . you gave me light when I first met you and you allowed me to come back after what happened with your "husband" . I can't leave you because my kids need me and Nick needs a new mommy. and you're mommy type cuz you do your thing in the kitchen .

We both laugh and I saw Courtney looking at Roc.

Roc: hey daddy's baby. I will never leave mommy cuz of you. and cuz of her too. you have a handsome big brother that I'm sure you'll fight with . but you'll love him . I'll give all of y'all the world.

I kissed him on his cheek and picked up Courtney.

Dominique: I gotta go...uh...get dressed because I'm just not comfortable in this gown. I mean come on... my ass is showing .

Roc: *laughing hard* talking about you... at least yours is cute.

Dominique: I beg to differ *laughing* but I'll be right back. come on Mommy's going to change your diaper. you went tinky boo.

Roc: aye D.?

Dominique: yea??

Roc: I love you and I heard what you said. every bit of it.

Dominique: *laughing nervously* I love you too but really??

Roc: yes and.. I need you too baby.

I ran back and kissed his lips.

Roc: I'll come to your room in 5 minutes or so cuz I gotta get dressed.

Dominique: alright baby see you later .

I rocked Courtney all the way back to our room and placed her on my bed. I changed her and put her back in her crib and then I went to take a shower. I washed up and put this on: [in comment] and I came back and you'll never guess who I saw holding my baby .

Hola guys! the VMAs are about to come on in like 16 minutes but tell me what y'all think. how many of y'all are starting school tomorrow??

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