Time To Initiate & Negotiate Pt. 2

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???: well well well if it isn't the Hair Weave Killer himself, Tauheed.

Dad: what you want Clifton.?

Clifton: I'm just in here about to eat some good western food.. Maybe some steak. Hey the kids are here. Hello Mr. myles.

Myles: hello sir

Clifton: hello boys.

MB: hello Mr. Powell.

While he was talking to Daddy, I stared into his face. He looks familiar.

Clifton: hello Ms. London. *kisses hand*

Lauren: hello *purses lips and nod head*

Then he looked at me. I remember him. Long time ago, he raped my mom and got her addicted to heroine and cocaine. I looked at him in disgust.

Clifton: *grabbing my hand and about to kiss it* and if it isn't BabyGirl..

Dominique: *snatches hand away* I'm Dominique to you.

Dad: Dominique!

I stared deep into his eyes as if he was a snake and I wanted him to focus on me.

Clifton: feisty ... Like your mother.

Dominique: well I'm not like her. I will never be like her.

I stood up and stared him deep into his eyes. Roc kept pulling on my pants leg under the table. He was signaling for me to sit down and not make a scene.

Dad: Baby Girl sit down.

I just stood there as if I couldn't move. I stared that n*gga down until he pulled out his gun and pointed it at my temple.

Dad: Clifton please don't do it.

Dominique: I've been this close before.

He then shot his gun. I stood there and watched as the bullet flew past in front of my own eyes. I just watched it speed past me and hit a picture and knock it off the wall.

Roc: *whispering* baby please sit down.

Dominique: h*ll I've been farther than this.!

I started taking off my jacket ad showing my arms. Daddy, Lauren, and the guys looked at them in shock. It was like I've been... possessed. With an evil presence. I mean I wanted to stop talking but I couldn't.

Dominique: so shoot at me again *staring with a mean mug*

He looked at me in awe.

Myles: please Dom.. Sit down.

I was breathing heavily. I was burning up. As I stood there strong, he looked at me as if I was the "chosen one". He put a smile on his face.

Clifton: you have just passed part 1 of initiation. Congratulations. *walking off*

Then everything got so clear. As if the "evil presence" had left and my breathing slowed down to its normal pace. I looked over at daddy and he had the same shocked look on his face.. So did everyone else. I slowly sat down and looked down at the tablecloth. I felt eyes on me so I said...

Dominique: *mumbling* what just happened.?

Dad: Dominique Ashton Epps... Who did that to you.?

I looked at him with pleading eyes.. As if to tell him, I can't really tell him that. He soon nodded his head and raised his hand for the check. I just looked at the table as he paid for the dinner. We soon left and it was about 8:30pm.

-Roc's POV:

The whole drive home was silent. I looked over my baby as she stared out the window. It started to rain and she just sat and watched whats going on outside. I felt so bad for her. When we got home, we all piled up near the door to get inside so we won't get wet. I went to go check on the dogs and they were in the garage. Mr. T decided that it was best even if they grew bigger. Sh*t it was so big, he could've made it an inside basketball court. I noticed that I was the only one in the garage. So I walked in the house to see everyone must have gone to bed. I decided to go talk to Dom since she was down in the dumps. I knocked on her room door and she opened it. She had already put on her pajamas which were [in the comments]. I walked in and she sat on the bed looking at me.

Roc: baby what happened when we were gone.?

I saw her on the verge of tears.

Dominique: well mom brought a new man into the house and his name was Brian. So he started *starts crying* he started molesting me and then married my mom.

Hearing that made me drop a few tears. I never knew that this beautiful girl standing right in front of me would be mistreated by that son of a b*tch.

Roc: *voice cracked* I'm sorry that happened to you baby . I'm so sorry.

Dominique: and he wants me dead. That's why he sent that guy after me and he's been *wiping tears* following me around ever since.. That night. That night... That night God was calling me home.

Once I heard that, I wrapped my arms around her waist and held onto her for dear life.

-???'s POV:

Damn kid.. I never knew Dom went through all of that. It's probably why she wants to... To kill. That's when I finally went to my room.

-Dominique's POV:

I finally pulled away from Roc and just kissed him. It wasn't like any kiss, it had so much passion in it, I can feel it flow through my body and into his mouth and vice versa. I allowed my lips to pull away from his and I led him to my bed.

Roc: I don't have any clothes. They're in my room.

I tossed him an old shirt of mine but it reached to my knees cuz I'm short, 5' to be exact and he was a huge 5'8". I decided to help him by taking his belt loose and pulling down his pants. After he got dressed, I pulled him in my bed and turned the lamp off. I got in bed and pull him on top of me. My legs wrapped around his waist and his head went into the crook of my neck. I played with his curls .

Roc: I love you baby and I will always protect you.

Dominique: I love you too baby and I will always have your back.

HEY EVERYONE WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS.? DO YOU THINK CLIFTON IS ALREADY BAD NEWS.? Thanks for reading even though its gonna be a long book. I really appreciate it. I will also post pics of what's in this chapter and the pics of the house.

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