Date Night

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A Week Later...

Dominique's POV::

We were all sitting in the living room, bored out of our minds. the kids were all staying at daddy and Lala's house and we were shit of out luck . then Leah had the best idea . to the club.

Kiara: yea girl lets pop bottles with our baby daddies.

Prince: *rolling a blunt *chill with that shit girl.

Kiara: but you love this right baby? Yea thought so.

Dominique: frfr what are we gonna do?

Roc: I got you babe. Come on Yall lets get dressed.

Prod: where we going?!

Roc: *whispering* taking them to the club on East Ave. Called "Pretty Kitty".

Prod: Ooh I like that place Cuz it got the best hot wings.

Ray: and if you nice, they'll give you hot sauce to eat off the girls.

Prod: yea lets go.

Ray: *whispering to Roc* not really *laughs*

We all got dressed (I will post pics of our outfits.) and we were looking great in our cute outfits.

15 minutes Later...

We Arrive at Pretty Kitty and the place is jam packed. We walked into the pink doors and Lifestyle by Rich Homie Quan and Young Thug was playing. A young lady escorted us to a VIP section and in the section it had table dancers in pink and bartenders in blue. As we sat around in our chairs dancers would come out and I watched all the guys pull out wads of cash. I looked at Roc like where in the hell's gates are you getting this money from. The boys stood up and threw money into the air.

Dominique: bae me and the girls are gonna go get some drinks would you like anything while I'm down there??

Roc: yea give me something strong bae *passing me a $20* and get you something.

Leah, Kiara, and Ebony took money too and walked down to the bottom with me. we soon reached the bar and a guy was serving us drinks. he looked familiar but I didn't think nothing of it. I saw Eb giving him a suspicious look as if she knew him and fucked with him the long way. It seemed like we were at the bar for a while Cuz more and more people crowded the bar. I heard moaning but I didn't know where it was coming from and I thought nothing of it Cuz it's a strip club.

Leah: girls lets go back upstairs to VIP.

Ebony; *looking at the bartender* I agree lets go.

Ebony grabbed my hand and we ran quickly up stairs to hear the same moaning.

Dominique: aye do yall hear that??

We walked past an entrance and i looked in to see The boys fucking strippers. i covered my mouth as I watched Roc fuck her. tears rushed down my face and I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled out my .45

Kiara: baby girl *crying* it's not worth it.

Leah: yea lets go *crying*

Out of frustration, I shot the ceiling causing all of the guys to jump and the strippers scream. I jumped over a table to Roc and the stripper and pointed the gun at both of them. that good ol' evil spirit appeared.

Dominique: go ahead back to fucking!!! Don't pay me no mind!!!!

Ebony: baby girl no.

Dominique: go ahead Roc *cocks gun*

I watched as he pulled his pants up and he said...

Roc: damn it bae. You never gave me any for a long m*therf*cking time! So what the f*ck you exp-

I slapped the sh*t out of him. the stripper stepped in the way and she tried to step but I wasn't having that oh no ma'am . I grabbed her by her weave and I slammed her head against the mirror 2-3 times. Roc then grabbed me and body slammed me onto the floor and punched me harder than he's ever punched me. I cringed and flinched as he threw blow after blow. I felt myself getting weaker and my body getting colder . now I know I was out of it.

~Roc's POV::

I watched as Dominique laid on the floor lifeless. damn I didn't mean to hit her that hard.

Kiara: oh my god!! Call an ambulance!!

It was like everything went in slow motion . from the paramedic putting her on a stretcher to Mr. T walking in grabbing me around my neck.

Mr. T: you thought I wouldn't come back boy?! Huh?!

Roc: I'm sorry Mr. T! My anger gets the best of m-

I was punched in the nose. I felt every cartilage and bone break in my nose. Then I was out like a light I guess what goes around comes around huh??

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