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After What me and Roc did, I was out and so was he.


-3 hours later-

I woke up with my back hurting and Roc drooling on me. I had this on: [pic in comment] and Roc had on this: [pic in comment]. I sat his head up and a line of drool hung from his mouth.

Dominique: ewwwwwwww babyyyyyyyyyyy.

Roc: *snoring*

Dominique: Roc get up.

Roc: nooooooooo *sleeping harder*

Dominique: Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August.... get yo ass up!

Roc flips on his side facing away from me. I climb out of bed and do my hygiene thing. When i walked out the bathroom, he was laying on his stomach. I thought when i said his government, he got upset so I wanted to apologize. I climbed on his back and rubbed it.

Dominique: i'm sorry baby *kissing his spine near his neck*

Roc flipped over and now i was now on his stomach because he's so tall (6'3") and i'm so f*cking short (5'3") but anyways lol...

Roc: *slaps my ass* make me some breakfast

Dominique: you make me some breakfast.

Roc: no baby when a man puts it down in the bedroom, his woman and queen of the house has to make breakfast to honor her man. *kisses stomach*

Then Roc starts rubbing my stomach.

Dominique: baby what's up with you rubbing my stomach???

Roc: i don't even know but do what i said

Dominique: *laughing* okay but.... *fanning* go brush your teeth first. whoo!

Roc: shut up.. did you forget i just woke up??

Dominique: nope cuz your breath reminded me.

Roc: *playfully* get off me. you made me sad. *makes sad face*

Dominique: i'm sorry baby.

I looked at his chest again and noticed the tattoo.

Roc: you like it???

Dominique: i didn't say that i didn't now did i??

Roc: aye don't get smart girl.

I climbed off of him and walked into the kitchen. I started cooking grits, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and some freshly squeezed orange juice when I felt sharp pains in my stomach.

Dominique: *exhale deeply* owwww

I stood at the bar counter with my hand on my stomach. Then Roc came out.

Roc: baby you alright??

Dominique: uh yea i'm fine... i'm probably just starting my period. that's all.

Roc: wanna go to the bathroom so you can check and make sure???

Dominique: yea baby i'll go.

Roc: i'll finish these eggs up for you *pecks my lips*

Dominique: thank you baby.

I went to the bathroom and check. I saw alittle spotting. I just shook it off.

Dominique: i have alittle spotting but i'll be fine.

Roc: aye aye aye... i'm trying to eat and this breakfast is beast.

The Daughter of A Rapper & A Drug DealerWhere stories live. Discover now