Whats This About??

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Ray's POV::

After we finished visiting Dominique in the hospital, me and Ebony's ride home was filled with silence. Then...

Ebony: who was she to you???

Ray: who baby??

Ebony: don't baby me right now... Who was that girl?

Ray: *sigh* Anika.. baby she means nothing to me.

We pulled into the driveway and we both walked into the house . I decided to wait till she cool off so that we can settle this. after about 10 minutes, I heard loud footsteps and a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was Ms. Geneva, Ebony's mom.

Ray: ebony??

She walked down the stairs with bags in her hands. I got up and stood in her way. she tried her hardest to get around me but I wouldn't allow that.

Ebony: move Ray.

Ray: ebony ... baby...

Ebony: MOVE!!

I moved aside and let her pass.

Ebony: oh Ray... there's a surprise for you on the bed. but I guess that doesn't matter to you anyways. hell you wanted another bitch by the name of Anika. well tell Miss Anika... I hope she goes to hell. with you.

And with that she slammed the door in my face. I ran to our bedroom as fast as I could and saw a white thing on the comforter. I grabbed it and it read :: (+) ... *gasps* Ebony is pregnant???

8 months later .....

???'s POV::

???: Nick?!

Nick: yea mwommy??

???: come here baby.

I heard little 2 year old feet slapping against the floor.

???: *picks him up* oh my baby boy.

Nick: mwommy .. I wanna see my dwaddy.

???: you will baby he's just working really hard.

Then I got a phone call. it was him.

Roc: hey um I was calling to talk to my son.

???: why now???

Roc: Desiree let me speak to Nick!

Desiree: what if he don't wanna speak to you?!


I handed Nick the phone.

Nick: who's that mwommy?

Desiree: it's yo big head daddy.

Nick: *gasps* dwaddy?! .... I miss you dwaddy... when you come see me??.... weally dwaddy?... a big twuck?.. for my birthday???.... *gasps* oh wow dwaddy. I love you too.. bye bye.

I took the phone back and spoke more.

Roc: well I told Nick I would see him for his birthday which is next week on Tuesday.

Desiree: iight bye.

I hung the phone up. I can't wait to see him and his fine ass.

Dominique's POV::

I heard the whole conversation. and yes he had the nerve to use the house phone. like at least try not to get caught. the doctors said I'm almost due and I told them not to even tell me what gender my baby is going to be. I didn't even know he had a son by that bitch. he's hiding things from me. Imma just pretend I don't know anything and see where he takes this. Roc comes in with his bag packed and wearing this : [pic in comment]

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