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We finally got home and I decided to change into this [in comments] and went back downstairs to go to the kitchen. I started making a nice mango, banana, and strawberry salad with a cup of apple juice. I was still on mute about what the boys had just told me. Daddy walks in and kisses me on my temple.

Dad: hey baby girl

Dominique: hey dad.

Dad: what's wrong.?

Dominique: huh.?... Uh... Nothing. Just still tired.

Dad: oh *grabs a beer and a cigarillo*

Then the boys walked in.

Myles: hey dad.

Dad: aye yall.

MB: hey Mr. T.

Dad: *nods* wassup. But you sure.?

Dominique: *looking at her dad as he lights up the cigarillo* mhm... Uhm dad.?

I see as everyone looks at me.

Dad: *inhales cigarillo then takes it out* yea

All of a sudden, everyone watched as I took it from him and put it in my mouth. I looked at him the whole time as I took a long drag and blew it out of my nose.

{A/n: it was like this:: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Wk1TEAP_J8&feature=fvwrel }

Myles: yo my sister has learned something while we were gone.

Ray: *laughs* yes she has

I passed the cig back and Dad just sat there was astonishment.

Dad: you think you grown huh.? *laughing and still holding it*

Dominique: *smacks teeth* daddy...

Dad: *laughing and holding* what.?!

Dominique: you're wastin' it *taking it from him and drags longer*

Dad: whoa baby girl be careful... With yo bad a*s.

I started blowing smoke rings in his face and he's just laughing.

Dominique: I'm your daughter... Ain't I.?

Roc: d*mn bae. What about this.? *takes it from me and drags*

After he drags, he pulls me closer and does a shotgun. I inhale it from his mouth and exhale it out my nose.

Prod: *taking it from Roc* h*ll yea. *drags off of it*

Prince: you know what to do with it...pass that sh*t down my way.

Everyone busts out laughing. I laughed so hard, I fell backwards onto the couch.

Dominique: sh*t... What's in that.? Huh.?

Dad: I told you to slow yo a*s down. You don't listen.

Dominique: like I said... I'm yo d*mn daughter. Till I d.i.e. n*gga. Anyways I'm about to walk to this store up the street and get something to snack on, ya feel me.?

Roc: want us to come with you.?

Dominique: Nahh baby I got it *kissing his lips*

Roc: iight.

Dad: aye hurry back D.

Dominique: yes padre.

Prince: she speaks spanish.?

Myles: in school yea but she's just high.

The boys except for Myles: ahhh...

I decided to let the dogs out so they can roam the yard. Of course we have a gate.. That's why I got the dogs.. Duh stupid..! Well not yall.. It's just... I... Y'all know what's up. I'm high. After 5 minutes or so, I finally reach the store. I'm starting to crave.. I'm hungry as hell and I know I just ate but.... So.... *rayray shrug*. Anyways I walk into the store's door and I saw my girl, Kiara, dad in there. Well it's his store actually.

The Daughter of A Rapper & A Drug DealerWhere stories live. Discover now