Moving Out and Moving In

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The next day I started cleaning my room out . as I did that I decided to look around my room . damn I'm gonna miss this place . J was helping me along with my brother while the others were cleaning out their rooms too . I decided to take a make a pallet on the floor and take a nap .

~3 hours later @ 10:45 in the morning~

I woke up to J kissing all over me and telling me to wake up.

J-Lat: wake *kiss* up *kiss* baby *kisssss*

Dominique: stoooopppppp *pushing his head away and stretching*

J-Lat: the stuff is already packed we were just...

I saw Myles in a corner of my empty room on a pallet knocked out. all of a sudden I heard footsteps and in walks my daddy, Lauren, and the others.

Dad: well well my baby girl is leaving me

Dominique: daddy I'm never leaving you. I'm just growing up *hugging him and Lauren*

Lauren: well you know you can always come visit us baby.

Myles: umm dad.? I think I'm just going to stay here with yall.

Ray: I see how it is Myles *laughing*

Prod: imma miss all of this

Prince: me too

Roc: yea I have had a great time here and I guess I'll just have to take the fact that I'm leaving and I have to move on

I looked at Roc but he just looked away from me. I got up did my hygiene thing and put this on: [i will post later] and everyone had this on: [i will post later]. I started packing the last bag and said goodbye to my trio (Lyle, Lily, and Lynn). As we drove away, I really thought to myself IS THIS THE RIGHT DECISION.?


































3 years later ...

Narrator's POV~

The next scene shows J and Dominique arguing about something let's see what they're arguing about shall we.? we shall.....


J-Lat: I can do what THE FUCK I wanna do... Okay bitch

Dominique slaps the shit out of him.

Dominique : do NOT call me a bitch !

~Dominique's POV~

When he looked at me I had the oh shit face 😳. he turned around and ....


J punched me ... but this time over and over and over again. I guess you can say he wanted me dead . hell he been wanted me dead . the week after we moved from my dad. he would slap me around the house and beat me up until I screamed out loud for him to stop . I tried calling the guys but nobody answered me.

Three hours later...

I was laying on the floor half sleep and almost beaten to death literally . he had left.

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