The Baby's Coming!!!

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Roc's POV::

I just got a call from Mr. T that Dominique is about to have her baby.

Desiree: so where are we going .... baby?

Roc: I'm not your fuckin' baby!

Nick: ooh daddy you cussin'.

Roc: but I'm grown little man, I'm grown. you gotta be daddy's age to say stuff like that.

Desiree: so was that wifey callin' or nah?

Roc: yes that was her father. I have to go to the hospital because she's about to go into labor.

Desiree: last time I checked. this morning.. at about 6:30 ... you wasn't saying or worrying about wifey... now were you baby?

Roc: you testin' my fuckin' patience, bitch! you really testin' my patience.

After all of that, all I saw were headlights of another car and all I heard was screaming from Desiree then I heard Nick.

Dominique's POV::

Dominique: Ahhhhhh!!!

I was screaming because I felt a sharp pain between my legs. I've been in labor for 10 hours now. I began to cry in pain. I knew something else was bound to happen today. I could just feel it. then Dr. Paul came in.

Dr. Paul: let's check now.

Daddy: hold my hand baby girl. everything gonna be alright.

Dr. Paul: alright you're only up to 7cm. so you don't have far to go. this probably will last 4-5 hours... maybe even a 6. so bare with me.

Dominique: I can't do it anymore. *crying*

Dr. Paul: yes you can! don't stress yourself. you got 3 more centimeters before delivering time.

He then left. and I was there crying and sweating while daddy wiped my tears and sweat with his black skeleton bandana.

Roc's POV::

Nick: daddy!!!!!

Then everything went black.

Roc: Nick ??

Nick: daddy help me! my leg is stuck behind mwommy.... Mwommy?

Roc: Desiree ?

She didn't move. I reached behind her and grabbed Nick and pushed him out my window. he had small cuts on his legs from the glass broken. I climbed out and tried to run to Desiree's side. but then *BOOOOOOOMMMMMMM* the car went into flames.

Nick was crying and screaming. I tried my hardest to pull her out of the damage but she was bent between the dashboard and the passenger seat.

Roc: help!! fire!!! I need some help call the paramedics

Woman: I got it!!

I tried to fight my way to Desiree to at least get her out but some man stopped me. It was a fireman.

Roc: I gotta save her.

Fireman: let me see if she'll respond to me. ma'am are you alright?

She was still out. I wasn't worried about her but I just wanted Nick to have a mom to be with him like what if I have to do more shows and more tours with the guys. the car blew up into more flames and i inhaled so much smoke that I couldn't breath anymore. last thing I saw was the paramedics putting Nick into one ambulance and hearing the fireman tell one of his teammates that Desiree was gone.. that's when I went out of it.

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